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Golden Globes Nominations are in......


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If you are like me most of you are waiting to see just how many nominations "The Dark Knight" would rack up. Well, it didn't fair as well as most may think only snagging........................................ONE.

Heath Ledger for Best Supporting Actor


I was a little shocked, but then I thought about it and that was the only one that I would have given that film as well.

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If you are like me most of you are waiting to see just how many nominations "The Dark Knight" would rack up. Well, it didn't fair as well as most may think only snagging........................................ONE.

Heath Ledger for Best Supporting Actor


I was a little shocked, but then I thought about it and that was the only one that I would have given that film as well.

Nevermind, this is all specific actors/actresses and stuff.

Ledger did the best job in that movie, everyone else was mum compared to him.

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Maybe, but I would have to have seen the other movies that were nominated in that category before I made my judgement.

That isn't a category for the Globes I don't think, I think this is more broad, as I looked through the list of categories and it was not on there.

But by the time the Oscars roll around, I would put it up there for art design.

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Tom Cruise and Robert Downey Jr. were nominated as supporting actor for "Tropic Thunder." Each played odd roles: Cruise's psychotic movie producer in a bald cap, beard and fat suit, and Downey playing a white actor who undergoes a skin-tinting procedure to play a black man.
Didn't really see that coming.
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