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Where the hell is Joe Bugel during all of this? We've blasted Zorn, Campbell, Portis, the offensive line itself. We've tried to foist the blame on everything and everyone - but the offensive line coach's name doesn't come up? What's going on here?

(Incidentally, if Buges resigned/retired/was fired after this season, who would you want to take his place?)

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Where the hell is Joe Bugel during all of this? We've blasted Zorn, Campbell, Portis, the offensive line itself. We've tried to foist the blame on everything and everyone - but the offensive line coach's name doesn't come up? What's going on here?

(Incidentally, if Buges resigned/retired/was fired after this season, who would you want to take his place?)

Actually, it has come up:


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Leave Buges alone! He's done a heck of a job with much of nothing to work with. Look at the great job he did last year too with the rag tag bunch that won 4 in a row. Coach Bugel is the least of our concerns. He just needs some new talent to work with. I think he's done wonders with Stephon Heyer.


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(Incidentally, if Buges resigned/retired/was fired after this season, who would you want to take his place?)
I'd like to put you in the job. It would be interesting to see someone else try to create a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

To paraphrase somebody who said it better: "We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now expected to do everything with nothing."

That about sums up Buges job. Two 3rd round OL draft picks in the last 8 years and Buges is supposed to somehow hold this together with bubble gum and baling wire.

We have drafted as many QB's in the last 8 years as we have OL. Counting just the first 3 rounds, where someone has a areasonable chance of making the team (kudos to Chris Horton for being that one in a hundred) we have drafted 5 WR, 5 DB, 2 QB, 2 TE, 2 OL, 1 RB and 1 LB. No DL, and only 2 OL? (Did I mention that one of those two OL Vinny's front office didn't offer a contract to when they could have?) And somehow this idiocy is Buges fault?

If you want to fire somebody, fire the guy who can't figure out that an offense needs an OL to compete. That would not be Buges.

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