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escholz... I just watched Session 9


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I'm not sure what to think...

The Danvers Asylum was nuts... that is one freaky place for sure. I loved the documentary on it.

The movie itself was more creepy than scary. There wasn't really a part that scared me. The closest was when the guy was being chased after he went back to get the coins.. that was pretty cool.

The part I didn't get was the part about the tapes and the girl that was schitzo....

I'm probably looking too deep into that though.

All in all, it was good, I'm curious to watch it again with my wife and see if it scares her, she's a lot jumpier.

good call though.:cheers:

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Yea, that's probably on target. I guess that's the kind of stuff that sticks with me more, a creepy atmosphere opposed to just gore and trying to make me jump out of my seat ala Friday the 13th or something like that. Session 9 is the type of movie that stays with you longer than one of the blood and gore movies will. Especially when you really think about it, since it's all stuff that could concieveably happen. I have to agree with you though, that scene when he goes back for the coins was scary as h@ll! But I would have to say that the star of the show was the setting, the Danvers State Mental Hospital. The cool thing is that place actually exisits. I've read on other message boards about people who grew up near Boston who would try to sneak in there as kids. Talk about creepy! Well anyway, I'm glad you checked it out. You may actually find it to be a little creepier the second time you watch it with your wife. I was actually more scared by it the second time for some reason. Enjoy!

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Hey, You should do a google search on "the ridges".

It's a similar institute to Danvers in Ohio. I saw a History channel show about it and the hauntings in it and at the near by Ohio University (which is supposed to be the most haunted college).

There is one room in the Ridges that a psycho woman was left in after the Ridges was shut down. She was locked in the room by accident. Even today, there is a black spot of her body on the floor where she laid down and died... The history channel showed it.. it was nuts.

heres a link: http://oak.cats.ohiou.edu/~er362997/ridges.htm


COOL link: http://www.forgottenoh.com/Ridges/ridgeshaunts.html

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I didnt find Session 9 all that scarry. There were some scarry scenes but I didnt find the acting all that good and that takes away from a good script any day of the week. I found David Caruso's charachter annoying.

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I have a personal scary moment...

There is a place near where I live, Rosewell Plantation, in Gloucester Va. It was a huge plantation in the 1700's. There was a huge fire and all that remains is the brick portions including the chimney's and steps and foundations. There is a wine celler underneath the ruins and a tunnel going to the waterfront (the York River) where the slaves would unload the ships and bring the goods back to the plantation. There was a murder in the house that was never solved and a slave was hung by a tree in the front of the house. There is also a "ghost dog" that is supposed to still be looking for it's long dead owner.

It's listed as one of the most haunted places in Virgina in a "Haunted Virginia" book. I have been there about 4 times, 2 times during the day and 2 at night (we weren't supposed to be there) with friends. Once during the day I went by myself and took pictures and there was no incidents, the second time, my wife and I went with our 2 dogs. Both dogs freaked out when we were close to the house. They were barking and showing their teeth like they were being threatened. That was pretty freaky.

One time at night, we were sneaking around and talking about the "ghosts" stories related and a dog came out of no where and scared us $hitless. I'm not saying it was a ghost dog, but when you have been talking about one and then a dog sneaks up on you, that's a pretty good scare..

The last time we went at night, 3 of us went down into the wine celler. I $hit you not, it was cold as hell down there and it was summer (easily explained because it's underground) and it was pitch black, we could not see anything. After we were down there a minute, a brick was thrown towards the 3 of us. I have never run so fast in all my life... (the easiest explanation is that someone else was there ahead of us doing the same thing we were and got a good laugh, although, we didn't see anyother cars parked on the main road).

While NONE of that is proof of anything, it is a creepy place and scared us pretty bad...:laugh:


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Exellent! I have been know to look for places like that myself. I will have to check that one out. Those kind of stories are just cool. I have looked online for lists of haunted stuff around here in the NOVA area but I have never found anything. Do you know of any good sites/links?

I remember in high school we went to the site of the supposed bunnyman murders, it was pretty creepy but we didn't have any great stories to tell from the experience.

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Here's a link a quick search from google came up with:


My brother and I got into a kick a few years ago and we started to visit and photograph some hauted places.

The Chamberlin Hotel in Hampton has a floor that is supposed to be haunted. One of our News channels did a story there once and a "ghost like" image appeared and they showed it on camera. While doing the story a young girl (4 or 5 yr old) said she was dancing with her "friend".

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Also, West Point is supposed to have the Haunted Railroad tracks, but I've never been there, My uncle said he saw the Train lights when he went there in high school, he said it was scary.

One of the other ones we went to was a place in Gloucester that was supposed to have buried pirate treasure. No one obviously has ever found it, but we followed the directions and found an old rotten house that was supposed to mark the way. We never saw or heard anything, but it was fun.

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This one is hilarious... I had heard about it and there was a road that I took these 2 girls down when I was in high school and told them the stroy of the "goatman". A couple of my friends were hiding in the woods and ran out in front of my car with Chewbacca masks on and freaked the girls out so bad, one wet her pants... I can't believe I found this link


Another good one reported on by NBC news supposedly.


Here's the Bunnyman Bridge


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