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Christinia Applegate has double mastectomy

Buford T. Justice

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Sad sad news...I wish her the best.

Here is the original link from ES.

For more than 20 years, actress Christina Applegate has kept audiences laughing. art.christina.applegate.jpg"It doesn't feel the same, and it's hard to carry your purse," Christina Applegate says. "I cry at least once a day."


During her teenage years, she lit up the small screen as Kelly Bundy on the hit sitcom "Married with Children." After 11 hilarious seasons, Christina's career branched out to the big screen and Broadway.

In 2007, Christina landed the starring role on "Samantha Who?" an acclaimed comedy series. After receiving Emmy and Golden Globe nominations for her performance, it seemed that nothing could stop Christina's triumphant return to TV.

Then, in April 2008, shocking news silenced the laughter. At 36 years old, Christina was diagnosed with breast cancer. At first, Christina says she lived quietly with the disease. "It's hard to live quietly," she says. "I went through five weeks of work without telling anyone that this was going on in my life."

Now, Christina is going public with her personal battle to raise awareness among young women who may not think they're at risk.

As the daughter of a breast cancer survivor, Christina says she's been vigilant about getting regular mammograms since she was 30 years old. In 2007, doctors recommended extra precautions.

"My doctor said that the mammograms weren't enough for me because of the denseness of my breasts," she says. "He suggested that I get an MRI."

Christina went in for her first MRI screening, which produced disturbing results. "They found some funky things going on [in one breast]," she says. Doctors told her they needed to perform a biopsy. Then, the excruciating waiting game began.

Christina continued to work and promote her sitcom, but the impending results were never far from her mind. A week later she says she got the phone call every woman dreads. "[The doctor said], 'It came back positive,'" she says. "Right now I'm sitting here shaking remembering that moment."

Doctors explained that the cancer was only in her left breast, and thankfully, they caught it at an early stage. Christina says she held back her tears and immediately went into survival mode.

The day after her diagnosis, Christina says she went in to see an oncologist and a surgeon. "I'm a Sagittarius," she says. "We need things done now. So, for me, I had to get in now, and I wanted to have my surgery now."

See link for more details.


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