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Lawn and Garden help!!


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Can anyone help??

I bought my current house last december and when we moved in the previous owner had problems with the front yard. It was basically half bermuda and half fecsue, needless to say, when the heat came in the bermuda part took over and it looked funny having the tall fescue in some places and bermuda in others. I want to start over because the parts that were bermuda are not allowing newly planted fescue to grow through.

How much topsoil should I use (inches deep) to start a new lawn. (I know I have to kill the old grass with Round up first).

Is this time of year too late to plant Bermuda?

I think I am going to just go with Bermuda because it's pretty tough and requires fewer cutting


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The best time to plant a new yard is in the fall. I don't know about bermuda , I think with a hot weather grass you can plant in June. The topsoil issue depands on the condition of your current soil. You should not have to add more topsoil if the soil in place is in good shape. You can have the soil tested for free.

If you live in Virginia you may have a problem with clay and there is a product called clay away that works like a charm. Depending on the size of the yard you may want to consider a light tilling also. Good luck.

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