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The Script of a Team on the Rise


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Chapter 1.... The Rough Start

A veteran team coming off a playoff appearance hires a new Head Coach and installs a brand new passing game. An up-and-down preseason is brushed aside for the promise of a brand new season. With modest, yet positive, expectations The Redskins travel to division rival New York for thier first game. The Giants are celebrating the most improbable Super Bowl victory ever, and the Redskins play poorly. Expectations are reeled back in and questions about the new regime and new offense drown out everything else.

Chapter 2.... The Comeback

With the weight of.... well everything.. on their shoulders, the new head coach and maligned QB lead the team to spectacular 4th quarter comback aganist a team with one the most potent offenses in the league. The defense plays a masterful game shutting down said offense and introduces the masses to a young playmaker at Safety.

Chapter 3.... Taking Care of Business

1-1 now and having answered some of the questions generated in the rough start, The Redskins face an opponent in the Cardinals that pose a good test. However, it's a game they should win. Well, they do. Once again they play a fabulous 4th quarter. The Defense comes through and shuts down one of the better offenses in the league. QB and Head Coach continue to look good and continue to grow.

Chapter 4.... The Upset

2-1 and going on the road agianst your hated rival. Not only that, The Cowboys happen to be regarded as the best team in the league. The Redskins domination is not reflected in the final score. Jason Campbell and Jim Zorn continue to grow together, forging what appears to be the beginnings of a chemistry that has the fans dreaming of possibilities it has only dared to mention in years past. Again, the defense plays a great game and shuts down THE best offense in the NFL.

Chapter 5..... (unwritten)

If this team is truly on the rise, then there is no doubt that one thing remains...... THE STATEMENT GAME!!! We're all wondering if this team has arrived. Is this for real? Did we just catch The Cowboys sleeping?? Or, is this what we can expect on a weekly basis?? Life is a series of opportunities that you either seize or let drift past you. Going into Philly and beating the Eagles would be the STATEMENT GAME. The Redskins need to write this chapter!!!

I'm so pumped right now!! Always loved Campbell! Loving Zorn!! It's going to be a GREAT week.

Here's to 3-1 and blasting the Cowgirls!! :cheers:

Here's to going into Philly and grabbing this division by the balls!!:cheers:


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