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Is Banks Pulling a Dilfer in 2001?


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The Redskins may not be in the Super Bowl as the Ravens were last year, but there are eerie similarities with Banks coming off the bench this year to what Trent Dilfer did last year for the Ravens.

Ironically, Banks was the "quarterback with ability" that got benched last year in Baltimore. This year he is following the "quarterback with ability" in Jeff George who got canned quicker than any other quarterbaack in team history.

Look at the similarities. Good leadership skills, liked by his teammates, showing toughness by running for the 5 and 6 yard gain when no one is open, taking a good hit and getting up off the mat without complaining or having to sit out 2-3 weeks.

In terms of performance, Banks does not read defenses as well as Dilfer does, but he has the stronger arm to make the throws to Gardner and Westbrook that kept the final field goal drive alive in the fourth quarter.

And that is the other quality, an unwillingness to quit. Jeff George was a player that looked defeated before he was actually defeated on the scoreboard.

That is a quality that does not endear himself to coaches, teammates or fans.

12 for 18 for 100 yards is not a leviathan performance statistically, but who in the NFC East has made more critical throws in the third and fourth quarters in the past month plus?

What has been most impressive about Banks is that he has overcome his early rap as a guy that couldn't play more than a quarter without a turnover of some kind.

If you will remember Mark Rypien had the same fumble problem in 1989 and early 1990 when hit in the pocket.

But he overcame it and Banks may be doing the same thing.

Before our eyes, Banks is becoming here what he has not been before in his career, a player that wins ugly.

And in today's parity driven NFL that seems to have become a requirement of the qb job.

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It's funny you write that bulldog, because I was thinking the very same thing today. He's shown that he can be a good game manager under center, not trying to force throws that might look good for him (if he is successful) but that could be devastating to his team if he failed. He made no mistakes today (allowing himself to be hammered, notwithstanding) in a game which was won by his defense and offensive line, and which he could have lost for us with just one boneheaded INT.

I agree with everything that you said. We may yet have a QB for the long haul. We'll continue to watch and reserve our judgement in the meantime.

BTW- isn't it nice to have defense and special teams play that is good enough for us not to have to rely upon a stellar passing attack to win games?


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