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Biden says Obama might pursue criminal chargest against Bushies!!


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oooo I know I know me me me me.....cause they ain't got anything on him. They are hoping that if they win, they will be able to find some secret white house files that show that Bush is a criminal....

If the dems win, I have complete faith that they will be to busy looking for anything that could be considered illegal to try and prosecute anyone from the bush administration, that they will forget they have to run a country.

Maybe they could get Sandy Burgler to steal the secret documents from the National Archieves

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Yeah well, he also denied he ever said it, so not only will he go after bush for lying, he lies as well.

Senator Biden, Fox & Friends says today, are you going to sue the president and his administration and other people in it?

That's not true, and that make -- that -- I don't know where that report's coming from. (Senetor Biden)

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It's a sad commentary on this country when it makes news that a person says they will do what they can to stop, arrest and possibly convict anyone who breaks the law...

Isn't that the whole point of having laws?

It doesn't matter. Bush would just move to Paraguay.

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