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Pacman's Reinstatement letter


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The NFL Truths obtained a rough draft of Pacman Jones' reinstatement letter to Roger Goodell. What follows are just a few of the highlights:

What's good, Roger? I mean, what's Goodell, Roger?

I'm just playing, Commissioner Goodell. This is Pacman Jones. My agent said I needed to drop you a letter saying why I should be reinstated. Well, as you know, I do a lot of work in the community supporting single mothers one dollar at a time.

I've included some reference letters from a few of the gals I've helped get through nursing school. They were embarrassed to include their last names, but I'm sure you will be impressed when you read the heart-tugging letters from Lexus, Athena, Diamond and Mercedes. Without my rain, these independent, hardworking women would not be in their seventh year of nursing school.

Also, my good friend Joe Pete, the owner of Magic City, has constructed a graph highlighting the negative economic impact my suspension has had on Atlanta strip clubs. Pacman's suspension has been worse than gas prices.

President Bush calls my rainmaking trickle-down economics.

Sincerely, Pacman Jones

This Was a article on foxsports.


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