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Sherman Smith video: Redskins.com


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Guys, if you haven't seen it, go watch it. Sherman reminds me of Gregg Williams when he speaks. He is disciplined and the BEST OC we could have gotten for this team. He knows where we need to go and knows how to get there. We are lucky to have him.

Zorn made no bones about who he wanted. First and foremost it was Smith. I think this team will be clicking like a clock come the mid-season point. If we can establish ourselves in the early part of the season and be at 5-3, look out for our team. I think we will be one to be reakoned with.


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No offense, but does it really matter?

In actuality (is this even a word?) we all know Zorn will esentially be the OC.

Have we heard if Zorn is calling the plays, too? I assumed he would be.


does what really matter? having an OC?

Zorn and Smith will work together to create the running attack, to blend it and disguise passing and running plays and to work along with Buges to identify the best stragety of attack for the running game.

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