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Since the advent of free agency....


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Has there ever been a redskin FA that had the fans more on edge than Coles? It's not like the Skins are actually stealing him for less than market value, or he's the player that takes us to the superbowl.

I find the whole ordeal purplexing since I myself am caught up in the hype. Can you guys think of another player for Washington that generated such excitement...Big Daddy and Stubby perhaps?

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Reggie White.

After the Eagles indicated they were not going to resign White and give him megabucks, the Redskins saw him as the missing element in allowing the team to come back from 9-7 in 1992 and becoming a contender again in 1993..............

remember all the negotiations, the intervention of the 49ers and finally the Packers of all people coming in to sign him to a deal even Cooke thought was outrageous?

I remember White's visit to Redskins Park. Darrell Green walked him around and welcomed him to the club. White visited with fellow ex-Eagle Keith Byars whom the Skins were also interested in signing at the time.

Not getting White at that time was a psychological blow. We had just lost Gibbs and people were looking for some positive move by the organization to show this program was not slipping down the slope.............

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Typically teams have strayed away from restricted free agents until this year. I believe the only real interesting restricted free agent interaction in the past involved a punter. What makes this whole thing so "interesting" is the fact that the Jets have 7 days to match it so the only thing we can do is sit around and speculate. Otherwise the Coles signing would (to this point) be no more exciting than the Canidate deal. By next week (assuming the Jets don't match) this will be old news and we'll be talking about the draft (or what's left of it for us :P)

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Damn Bulldog....I have completely blocked out the skins pursuit of White. Not surprising since the initial post Gibbs years were sooo depressing.

Tank...I dunno. I kinda think that the excitiment of Coles won't fade (assuming he's signed). He and Ramsey forms a synergy of hope for the fans that should stay until a reality of the season emerges.

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Originally posted by scottb

Tank...I dunno. I kinda think that the excitiment of Coles won't fade (assuming he's signed). He and Ramsey forms a synergy of hope for the fans that should stay until a reality of the season emerges.

I don't mean people aren't going to be less excited about it, but the whole "newness" of it will eventually die down and we'll all start to focus on the next thing, the draft :)

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Yeah, i think thats right. After a week of everyone talking about how great Coles and Ramsey will be, theyll move on to something else like will BDW renegottate or not? And if no, who will play DT?

But i dont think it will be the draft. Thats gonna be a yawner for Skins fans. Oh yeah, cant wait for the 7th round, wooo hooo.

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Originally posted by Even Madder

Yeah, i think thats right. After a week of everyone talking about how great Coles and Ramsey will be, theyll move on to something else like will BDW renegottate or not? And if no, who will play DT?

But i dont think it will be the draft. Thats gonna be a yawner for Skins fans. Oh yeah, cant wait for the 7th round, wooo hooo.

I'm sure there will be rumors at the very least about trades and what not.

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