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Why is there not a "S%$# Happens" law in litigation?


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Yes he can.

For example, here in Florida, it was pointed out, when the insurance industry and Doctors wanted to make Doctors immune from malpractice, that in Florida, in order to even file a malpractice case, a Doctor has to review the patient's medical records, and he has to swear, under oath, that "based on the information that was in the patient's file, Doctor X screwed up, and here's why".

Yep, you can't even charge malpractice unless another Doctor swears that it is.

And yeah, there is a "doodoo occurs" law in litigation. It's called "Not Guilty". In order to win a civil litigation, 12 out of 12 jurors have to agree that yep, the defendant is at fault.

How come 12 out of 12 if good enough to execute somebody, but it's not good enough to say that Wal-Mart has to pay somebody's medical bills?

Same thing in Maryland. Don't know if they did this in Florida, but in Maryland, they have an entire agency of the government set up, where you have to go through all these steps, including getting a doctor to swear under oath about what exactly went wrong. What does this brilliant form of tort reform do??? It basically DOUBLES litigation expenses.

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