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US military Iraq toll hits 4,000


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It says that roadside bombs have accounted for 55% of the deaths, that's a ****ed up sub-stat.


US military Iraq toll hits 4,000

The number of United States military personnel killed in Iraq since the US-led invasion five years ago has passed the 4,000 mark.

The latest to die were four soldiers whose patrol vehicle was blown up by a bomb in southern Baghdad on Sunday.

In response to the news, US Vice-President Dick Cheney said he regretted every US casualty in Iraq.

Insurgent attacks and military operations left at least 47 people dead across Iraq on Sunday.

The bloodshed comes despite an overall reduction in violence since last June, when the US deployed an extra 30,000 troops in violence-hit areas - the so-called "troop surge".

'Tragedies do happen'

According to an Associated Press breakdown of the figure, 97% of deaths occurred after US President George W Bush declared on 1 May 2003 that major combat was over.

Roadside bombs accounted for 44% of deaths last year and 55% to date in 2008, the agency adds.

US soldiers interviewed by AFP news agency in Iraq said they were saddened by the figure of 4,000, but argued the conflict was justified.

"Every one of those people signed up voluntarily and it's a shame that that happens, but tragedies do happen in war," said senior Airman Preston Reeves, 26.

Staff Sergeant Jonathan Criss, 37, said the US could not "just walk away and leave the Iraqi people".

"If you interviewed the 30,000 [wounded], they would have no ill will," he added.

Withdrawal options

The 4,000th death comes just days after Mr Bush marked the fifth anniversary of the invasion, saying that it had made the world a better place.

He said in his speech that the troop surge had "opened the door to a major strategic victory in the broader war on terror".

Mr Bush has rejected any possibility of a full withdrawal until Iraq is able to defend itself.

He has the backing of the expected Republican candidate in this November's presidential election, Senator John McCain.

But Democratic hopefuls Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have both pledged to end the war.

Senator Clinton has said she would start to withdraw troops within 60 days of being elected. Senator Obama also favours a phased withdrawal, and has frequently said he would like all but a small residual force out within 16 months.


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As far as I know, McCain will stay until it's over (whatever that means), Clinton will start to withdraw in 60 (put doesn't seem to have any real plan or conditions to do so) and Obama wants to permenitly keep some troops in Iraq and put a lot more in Afghanistan.

I wish we never went into Iraq.

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