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next year


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So basically your saying that he took himself becuase he felt he was hurting the team. So instead of catching passes and holding on to the football he felt that he should just not play at all. And you believe this stupidity coming out of his mouth. Yet he get 30 mil to take himslef out of a game instead of play better. These are reason why players dont give it their all on the team cuz you by into the foolishness.

Just like when champ bailey said he let raghib ismail just run down the field wide open for a touchdown becuase he didnt know the Quincy carter could throw the ball over 40 yards. History repeats itself becuase of idiots like you.

You prolly voted for bush didnt you.

So basically what I'm saying is Moss was already injured and wasn't doing much on the field. I'm assuming you missed it when he kind of lost the ball.

I'm an "idiot," and surely I "voted for Bush," because I can see that this team isn't as bad at football as your chances of touching a girl.

I'm sure Santana Moss were all saying "You know, I could try hard, but this kid in Maryland is buying into this Football thing, so I don't see the point in trying."

You're attempts at insulting a poster is so ridiculously pathetic, it leads me to believe that choosing JHU over Maryland was an outstanding decision, considering your lack of intelligent rebuttals coupled with your superior spelling and grammar skills.

Maybe if you learned how to properly Qoute posts i could calm down. Your making me angry at the public schools systems now.

Oh lord. Lets not get Bigredskin angry at the school systems. He already accepts all Redskins' fans as Bush supporters, God only knows what he'd say should he get angry at the Public School System.

I tried to change it when i was editing but my the site froze cuz so many people trying to respond on here. I wasnt trying to force anything down anybody throat. Ghost started calling me a fool like i should have the slighted doubt that the redskins are going to be great next year because this team always plays like the patriots or something.

Because I can remember saying 'Hah, Bigredskins777, you're a fool for not thinking a Perfect Season is the lowest this team can achieve. You Fool. Hah, fool. What a Foolish fool that foolish Bigredskins777 fool.'

A lot of fans would think that only idiots would predict that the Redskins would quit when there isn't any evidence for that and Laverne Coles was a big money free agent that the youngins thing we need to grab to have a superbowl season.

Landry had an impact his first year. So did Taylor.

The coordinator that had the secondary playing 15 yds off receivers is coaching in Jacksonville now. Blache was asked if he would do this on the Doc Walker show and responded with a firm no.

What are you talking about? Rookies having impact? Different Coordinators? Surely, this must mean that we'll finish 1-15 next year! </pathetic>

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I just want to make clear that in my post earlier I never questioned any of the players heart. Just the talent level compared to consistent superbowl caliber teams like the Pats and Colts.

I also never have stated that I dislike Zorn, or the WCO. I love the fact this franchise hired a younger coach and a different philosphy. But as history has done in the past with Snyder and this franchise. I hardly think Zorn will get a fair shot of incorporating the WCO. After this next season, if he has a 8-8 season or misses the playoffs he will probably be fired. I truly believe it takes about 7-8 years to fully incorporate a new offense, getting all plays,personnel etc.. in place.

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Leaving aside all of the personal sniping and off-topic critcisms, next season will be difficult. But, it will be great football! NFC East is the beast of the NFL. If not the toughest division (AFC South?), then the second toughest. It reminds me of the NFC East in the late 1980s, when the Skins, Eagles and Giants were all very good. Each took turns knocking the other off.

We have 3 playoff teams in this division, and the Eagles were damn good last year, and will be very good this year. It makes for exciting football.

The record of the Skins may not be good, because the competition is so difficult. But it will be difficult for any of these teams to win more than 10-11 games. Injuries (lack thereof) will decide the division winner.

We will have the most difficult prospects, due to our changes in coaching staff. Each of the other teams are more stable. And we are older in key positions than the other teams in our division. BUT we will be competitive, and with some lucky breaks, and no major injuries, we will contend.


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Right now, without adding another player, even in the draft, I say 11-5. That would be 14-2 if Gibbs were back, but I expect the HC change to bring some growing pains.

Put Jansen and Thomas back in the line-up last year and tell me we were a 5-7 team after 12 games. No way, I think they were crucial to having success on offense, we couldn't even run the ball for weeks.

The Redskins are the best team in the NFC East and proved it down the stretch this season. I just re-watched the Giants game from week 15, the Redskins are a much better team. I'll take another look at the Cowboys game from week 17 next Sunday, but from what I remember we handled them up pretty well.

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When you say "next year", you mean this year, right? I'm hoping for 6-10.

That isn't hope, that's what your opinion is. Your definition of "hope" is a little off, lol.

You HOPE to have a million dollars, you don't hope to have a dime in your pocket.

You HOPE to live a long life, you don't hope to get sick.

You HOPE to get invited to the Playboy Mansion, you don't hope to bang the sheep at the farm next door.

I HOPE these examples have have cleared you in on the meaning. Now if it's your opinion that the best the Skins can do is 6-10, that's one thing. But if you're hoping for that...you're not a fan.

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That isn't hope, that's what your opinion is. Your definition of "hope" is a little off, lol.

You HOPE to have a million dollars, you don't hope to have a dime in your pocket.

You HOPE to live a long life, you don't hope to get sick.

You HOPE to get invited to the Playboy Mansion, you don't hope to bang the sheep at the farm next door.

I HOPE these examples have have cleared you in on the meaning. Now if it's your opinion that the best the Skins can do is 6-10, that's one thing. But if you're hoping for that...you're not a fan.

Good point. My bad. :cheers:

Nice sig, btw...

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I really don't know about a 5-11 record. Look at our schedule. We lucked out by getting the AFC north and the NFC west. There are some winnable games. The problem: The rest of the NFC East gets those same teams. I just don't think we can compete at our current state.

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