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Allen Fired Before Season Starts


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A Mick-type headline, huh?

Actually, I saw some other post talking about the Redskins players grumbling about Marty's tough camp and have heard that is the case myself.

It made me remember the shock I felt, when I turned the news on many moons ago and heard George Allen had been fired in the preseason, before actually playing any regular season games, upon his return to the Rams.

Those Rams railed against his hard camp, and I think a guy named, Ray Malavasy (sp?) was moved up and George shown the door. It was the only time I can remember anything like that happening. He had just left the 'Skins for the job back to his LA Rams (prodigal son and all).

Now, I don't mean to suggest the same could happen to Marty; I was just wondering if anyone remembered the exact siutation since I hate to look things up. And, I thouhgt it might be interesting to those that weren't around then.

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Allen was fired after(surprise, surprise) engaging in a power struggle with Steve Rosenbloom and others in the Rams's fron office. Malvasy took over the team and led the Rams to their only Super Bowl appearance.

Allen later returned to coaching with the Chicago franchise in the WFL and finished his career with the Niners, of Long Beach State.

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I believe you mean Carroll Rosenbloom, he of the electric-cattle-prod-to-the-buttucks-by-the-hitman-paid-for-by-Georgia-Fronteire-that-killed-him-in-the-surf.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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As I remember the reason George was fired was because he made a trade in the preseason to get Eddie Brown the returner from the Redskins and gave up a #2 draft choice.

The Rams front office was afraid that George was going to trade away all the teams draft picks as he had in Washington, something he promised not to do on his return to LA.

The conflicts he had with management were largely over who was going to take control over personnel decisions.

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