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Retire Chris Hanburger's # 55 Danny


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Join Date: Jul 2006

Location: Staten Island, New York

Age: 42

Posts: 41

icon1.gifRe: Since the HOF writers are dumb,here's your chance to get it right!(poll)

Chris Hanburger # 55 is hands down the most deserving Redskin not in the Hall of Fame to date.

I remember watching Chris from 72 through his last season of 1978, and he was amazing. He was considered the best outside Linebacker in the League, both NFC and AFC. He was lightening quick, and would toss running backs and tight ends around like they were rag dolls, and he never showed any mercy on Quarterbacks.

Chris played with tremendous class, after a big play, he simply would walk back to the huddle, never never did he show any fanfare or display any self promotion.

Chris was extremely media unfriendly, and pretty ornery... and the writers hold this against him......which is a terrible injustice not only to Chris, but the integrity of the Hall of Fame process, the NFL. The Redskins and all his loyal fans....

I also find it troubling that his teammates who are in the Hall of Fame like Kenny Houston, who couldn't wait for Chris to return from injury in 77 so he did not have the added responsiblity of calling defensive signals,.... and Charley Taylor

do not mention Chris and lobby for his support to be voted in...... unlike Johnny Bench, and Joe Morgan when they lobbied for years to get Tony Perez voted in.

Chris is not going to get in unlike Snyder or someone with a big voice in the NFL starts bringing to light the bias against Chris.

Maybe if Snyder would retire the number 55, he would be taking the first step in getting the Hall of Fame to understand its huge mistake, and cause it to be embarrassed. But, what am I saying, only a OWNER who claims to be real Redskin fan and remember s how great a player Chris Hanburger was, and what a class act he was on and off the field , would have retired number 55 as soon as he bought the team....

Daniel Snyder a Redskins fan growing up ? what a joke...if he was, Chris Hanburger's number 55 would have been retired before the ink was dry on the sale of the team.

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