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Interesting article on Dan Snyder


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Good article, very truthful of how he runs this team even to this day. I may not like all of his decisions about signing players but you have to give it a man who will spend what it takes to get the job done. He seems to live by the saying you have to spend money to make money. just spend it on the right things

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The following quotes from that article sum up Snyder pretty well:

"He wants tasks finished yesterday, not tomorrow. He doesn't understand "no"; he has a short temper, he's impulsive and he isn't above dressing down employees in public. Those under him grow frustrated because the Snyder folks don't take advice; they already know all the answers. Four vice presidents alone didn't make it through the first year of his tenure at Redskin Park."

"The same man who has given millions to a local children's hospital as thanks for helping him and his wife through two difficult pregnancies is the same guy who threatened to fire an employee for calling him "Dan" instead of "Mr. Snyder"; who reportedly bullied a hotel clerk at a league meeting for not producing the suite he wanted; who, according to the critical Snyder gossip circulating in the league, rudely dismissed Lions vice chairman Bill Ford Jr. upon their first introduction and spoke angrily, and threateningly, on separate occasions to Mike Holmgren and Jerry Jones when he thought they slighted him in his bid to trade for receiver Joey Galloway."

"But anyway, this isn't a popularity contest. This is business, and the same business approach that has made him so fabulously wealthy, owner of a private jet, a yacht, a bunch of luxury cars that are hardly driven and a suburban Maryland estate applies here, too. So when he fired 25 or so Redskins employees within days of buying the team, some with 20 years-plus of service, he was shocked that he was portrayed immediately in news media reports as a bad guy. He already had bought a dozen companies and made similar personnel purges. But those firings didn't involve the Redskins."

"That was the start of Dan Snyder's learning curve last season. When

he angrily burst into the locker room after a difficult loss at Dallas and the media waited while he sought answers from Turner, he learned that's how you become labeled a meddlesome owner, as if any super fan wouldn't have held his coach accountable for falling to those stinking Cowboys. And that week in December, before a game against Arizona when he called in team leaders--without Turner--and discussed the state of the Redskins, he learned from that, too. It was a naive beginning. It was stupid and avoidable."

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