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Post Review of Camp Marty, Week 1


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(Sorry if this was posted before, but I didn't see it after looking.)


I love this quote from Green:

All players are treated essentially the same, including 41-year-old cornerback Darrell Green and 38-year-old defensive end Bruce Smith. Schottenheimer gave Green, who has played 18 NFL seasons, instructions on his backpedaling technique the other day. He has Green practicing punt returns, and gave Green tips on catching punts.

"Everything that's happening is bringing me back to things I used to do," Green said.

That reads to me like a comparison of Marty to Gibbs. I can live with that.

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The younger fans don't realised how disciplined Coach Gibbs was.

He could let loose during halftime with the best of them.

We do have a good track record with four eyed coaches.


Joe Gibbs



Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

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