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Evolutionism and Creationism?


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Originally posted by SkinsFan2456

This is exactly what proves your view is narrow-minded. You should be content in believing what you believe.....and shouldn't have to 'fight to the death' to get everyone in your camp. This is fear that drives you....not God.

:doh: Go back and actually READ what I said. I said that I would fight to the death to allow YOU, Y-O-U, <B>YOU</B> to believe that way. Meaning, that I believe in freedom of speech and would defend it with my life. See how easy you twist a person's words? You need to really examine this terrible habit and put it away. THINK before you respond, please.

Ok, I'm really done. This is too time consuming.

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Originally posted by skinsfan51

Because he doesn't know how "insane" my viewpoint it based on his Jewish background. He has admitted that he doesn't know the Bible well, and half of it contains HIS writings. He has also criticized the words of Moses (another post) very harshly, and Moses is one of the greatest Jewish heroes that ever lived. So what does "I am a Jew..." have ANYTHING to do with him knowing what I believe? Answer: nothing.

As for definition number 2.....

How can you not consider the 20 other people in the poll who voted AGAINST your idea, as beneath you? You went on about how if you are right, 'I am going to a lake of fire for ever.....the grave will not end it for me......etc., etc.' Pray tell how that does not embody the two definitions you gave of this word?

I consider them wrong, not beneath me. There is never a reason to belittle another person. Most of the people out here aren't stupid dumb idiots. They may have different values, some of which are illogical and immoral, but I doubt they are all stupid in the real sense of the word. I don't look down on anyone, no matter how much I disagree with them.

As much cannot be said for your side and some of the others. It is very clear that you talk down at others and I've been called an "idiot" and "fanatic," "weak minded," etc. What's your IQ? I scored a 127 the last time I took it. Am I weak minded? All of us needs to watch what we say. Hiding behind a computer monitor makes us bolder than we would be in person. :( [/b]

If you consider what someone is doing is wrong.....then it IS beneath you. Regardless of Chopper's faith do you not see why he can see your view as insane? Your view indicates that he is going to HELL for what he believes. EVERY OTHER person who has been in this discussion is GOING TO HELL for what they believe (seeing that no one voted in the poll the way you have). This is CLOSED MINDED, is it not?

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Originally posted by skinsfan51

You have, to this point, <u>totally</u> failed to do this. Oh, you've made a lot of accusations. But as we saw with the five "challenges," there is no ability to back them up. So be it. We can ALL read, and the writing is pretty clear.

I've got a TON of work to do. I need to end this right here. Believe what you want. But you are right about one thing, you will give an account. It just might not go as you think, and it will be too late then to do anything about it. :( :logo:

You offer me quotes from your book. I have nothing to back up. This has been a discussion that has been from my head.....and from within my heart. Yours has come from quoting your book.....and bringing people into this discussion that likely would have voted on option B as christians. You studied this book for 18 years. Not once did you pick your head up out of the pages and decide that God has MUCH more to show us in our lifetimes. Not to mention......you refuse to just wrap this up and say my faith is all that matters....and then leave me, 'the devil', to languish in the word of God that you have covered repeatedly since the conversation began. You NEED the last word....I know this......and, I will eventually give it to you. It is just tough when you talk yourself in circles and let your argument go nowhere. I am not here to prove anything to you besides that your view is narrow minded. :D

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This is my last post. Do with it what you will. Come on back and try to state what I provided no proof for. 'Proof' does not exist in what you and I are talking about, with respect to who our 'God' is. It is ALL FAITH. Go back and read how many times I have told you that. You are here to debunk EVERY idea and school of belief that exists in society today, but your own (See the poll). I am here to show you that it is a 'closed/narrow-minded' view, that has caused as much grief to society as ANY other spiritual (or Evil, for that matter) idea that has ever been conceived since the beginning of human existence. No one can prove what you say is true (most notably, all 20 of the voters in the poll are going to hell, and you are the only shee-....er, person on this board who has a shot at eternal life....unless we all believe the Bible word for word, and forsake all information, past or present that conflicts the Bible in ANY way outside of OUR NARROW-MINDED VIEW of what THESE GUYS MEANT TO SAY in THIS BOOK). Well.....I think that about covers it from my end. Good luck, and God Bless. :D

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