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I heard a blurb somewhere that Trotter is coming along very well in his injury rehabbing and that he is looking like a beast. Just before he went down last year I felt like he was really starting to come into his own and become the player that he is capable of being (dispite what some Iggle fans might say). I have a feeling that he is going to have a great year and that we are going to be happy that we signed him. What do you guys think?

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Ah..so refreshing..after trying to catch up through a lot of stat and possibility threads. This is the first one that gave me a good feeling..Thanks E!...Trotter is the man and will slaughter any player that tries to cross the line. I'm so glad we picked this guy up even know it was a crazy and unneeded at the time, him and arrington will be killer. I also heard that trotter restructured..:cheers:

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I agree that he has to step it up against the Eagles. Seeing all the Iggle fans yell at him last season at the end of the Monday Night debacle really pissed me off. I want to see them eating crow about losing him. In their heart of hearts I know that the Eagles fans wish that they had him last year. That long pass play that Jurevicius beat Kirkland on would not have happened to Trotter. Who knows, that could have made the difference. And if that play kept them out of the Superbowl, then Trotter was worth every penny Snyder paid him for that alone!! :laugh:

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Originally posted by NavyDave

Thats good to hear however comma we do have to address the backup MLB if Mitchell bolts.

But supposedly the FO is in negotions with Mitchell as we speak. If we can get him back we will have one of the deepest LB corps in the league. Not to mention that Mitchell will be the heir apparent to Armstead when he leaves.

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