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Sean Taylor,(from a Bears fan).


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Hey i just wanted to stop by again and say that after seeing the moment of silences and see ray lewis and ed reid tonight during it and watching the skins play yesterday i got extremely choked up during the moment of silences and when all the ST tributes were going on. now im not a full skins fan considering im a die hard bears fan but i like the skins and sean taylor was absolutely my favorite saftey in the league. man it really hit me hard now after this weekend.



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im not sure where your going with that. but i grew up with a family split between chicago and Washington so i grew up a big bears fans but always liked the skins a bit. and i hate the boys so much more then anything in the world. besides the pack

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Seems like everyone across the league loves our friend Mr. Taylor. Thanks for coming around and paying your respects.

The funeral damn near broke me down worse then all the news this week had....it was tough seeing Lavar Arrington up there basically saying he should've stayed and that Sean was his guardian angel.

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