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Great ST tribute video...


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Ive seen that video. There is a part where the Chargers are running a sweep with Lorenzo Neal leading and LT behind and ST comes up out of nowhere and just lights up Neal. But when he does it, his back foot actually causes LT to fumble the ball.

I just thought how ****ing perfect that fits ST. He didnt care about how big Neal was. He launched right in and blew him up (typical ST). and he was such a ball hawk and knew where the ball was so much that he actually kicks the ball loose out of the best RB in the game right now. ALL IN ONE PLAY!!

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With all these heartfelt tributes to ST it makes me reflect on how he affected our team and lives. We all knew he was something special, but couldn't really get our arms around him and understand him like the players and coaches did. The media played a large part of this, right or wrong. These past few difficult days have revealed the true character of the Sean we all knew existed.

ST was going to the Pro Bowl this year. ST was going to be the face of the Redskins for the next 10 years. We all would have thought of ST and Darrell Green in the same breath. Now, due to someone's action ( which in hind sight I'm sure he regrets ) we will never see any of this materialize.

ST gave us hope and highlights every Sunday. ST gave us a quiet attitude that propelled us from 31st in defense to a top 10. ST made receivers and QB's account for where he was on the field.

ST WAS Redskins football.

One thing is for sure, we will never forget 21.

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