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“Usama bin Laden is Dead—and Working for America”


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from www.laststory.com

“Usama bin Laden is Dead—and Working for America”

The War on Terrorism is unlike any other war in American history—the battlefields cannot be clearly established, the enemy wears civilian masks, and there exists no singular country of origin. The greatest weapon against terrorism is information, knowledge, and anticipation. In the words of George W. Bush, the American government hopes to “smoke out” the terrorists from their hiding grounds, leading them into an open area… and annihilating them from this earth. But how does one go about accomplishing such a task? An advantage of immense proportion, of course, would be an informant inside al-Qaeda, privy to the top-level planning of terrorism and its applicable time table. Alas, in all probability, infiltration of this magnitude is an utter impossibility.

But what if Usama bin Laden was our informant?

This is just a theory; the only proof I possess is circumstantial evidence and unfiltered conjecture. We won’t learn the truth about bin Laden’s whereabouts for many years—if ever. But follow me on this hypothetical: What would the United States have done if they killed or captured the corpse of bin Laden in Afghanistan?

The knee-jerk response is that Bush would’ve proudly proclaimed victory and enjoyed a short-term boost in his popularity, and bin Laden’s sympathizers would lose some of their tenacity. But the long-term reality would create multiple problems for the United States. For example, without bin Laden as a boogeyman, democrats in congress and many of our European allies would lose interest in the War on Terrorism, viewing any American action in Iraq, Iran, or elsewhere as senseless overkill. And any boost to Bush’s popularity would be largely inconsequential; for most of the period following 9/11, Bush’s approval ratings have hovered at about 60% to 70%. Bush doesn’t need the death of Usama to validate his efforts with the American public.

Additionally, if bin Laden is alive, then the potential relationship between al-Qaeda and Iraq becomes significantly more distressful; without bin Laden, al-Qaeda becomes just another terrorist outfit with irrational dreams and bellicose language. Usama bin Laden stood as a sinister figure, a multimillionaire capable of financing all sorts of mischief worldwide. Without him, al-Qaeda is a scattered outfit half-a-world away. To make a semi-strained analogy, what happened to the Reform Party when H. Ross Perot, as both its public face and financier, severed ties from the organization?

Additionally, if the threaded network of al-Qaeda cannot determine bin Laden’s whereabouts, they cannot anoint a successor. They’re paralyzed, awaiting further instructions. By contrast, if Bush proudly announced bin Laden as dead, publicly displaying a photograph of his bullet-riddled corpse, al-Qaeda would quickly select a new leader and makes plans to avenge his death. Keeping bin Laden’s fate a mystery provides the United States with a sizable advantage in the War on Terrorism.

But simply smuggling the dead body of bin Laden out of Afghanistan would not be enough; after long periods of silence, his followers would conclude that their beloved leader was resting in paradise with 72 vestal virgins and proceed with their terrorist plans. Instead, the U.S. government would have to create the illusion that bin Laden lives. How would they accomplish such a thing? The easiest way would be to allow grainy audiotapes attributed to bin Laden to make their way to Arab news outlets, where he makes ambiguous threats and notes current events, proving he is indeed alive.

I’ve noticed that whenever an audiotape of bin Laden surfaces, the U.S. government almost immediately announces its authenticity. Often times, another intelligence outfit, such as the Swiss, will spend days analyzing the tape and conclude it’s a fake, but by this time, the tape has already gained sufficient credibility. Why would the American government so hastily proclaim these grainy audiotapes as genuine?

Some experts claim that bin Laden’s audiotapes often coincide with acts of terrorism; I’ve noticed that they coincide with the death or capture of terrorists. On November of 2002, a tape attributed to bin Laden fell into the hands of the al-Jazeera news network, which promptly broadcasted the tape. Within days the American government caught Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, a senior al-Qaeda member who commanded all terrorists in the Gulf area and is credited with masterminding the October 2000 attack on the U.S. Cole in the Yemeni port of Aden. Coincidence? It’s almost as if bin Laden’s tape had, to quote President Bush, smoked him out.

Usama bin Laden’s most recent message had some curious elements. First, he declared an alliance between al-Qaeda and Iraq—an alliance the United States has long claimed but had great difficulty in proving. Second, and much more interestingly, he called upon al-Qaeda to help Saddam Hussein defend Iraq from American forces. Essentially, bin Laden demanded his supporters move to Iraq and prepare for war. Isn’t this curious?

A question: To whose advantage would it be for bin Laden’s al-Qaeda loyalists to relocate to Iraq, just weeks before America commences mass bombing? To whose advantage would it be for al-Qaeda to converge upon one spot, just prior to a massive American military invasion?

The “smoking out” has commenced. Within days the annihilation of al-Qaeda will continue… and we have Usama bin Laden to thank.

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Originally posted by codeorama

I think it is an interesting question. There is no doubt that the government will do or say what ever it wants in order to get the results it needs. I'd be curious to see why the Swill or Russians proclaim the tape a fake

It's a dangerous dance for Bush, one I personally don't like. I don't care if his motive IS to protect the American people or the world; dishonesty has a cost.

Bush's greatest asset is his candor. The moment he compromises his integrity, he will be Nixonized in the media.

It's a bad move.

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I can't say the thought Of ben being dead hasn't crossed my mind. As a matter of fact I was discussing the same topic with my girl a few days back just didn't think it was the US, who had master minded it? The Saga continues. I wouldn't be speading this conspiracy around and giving people any idea's ya know what I mean.

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