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Duck and Cover


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Washington has tightened the skies around it, set up concrete barriers, has well stocked underground bunkers which include doctors, medical facilities, food, electrical generators, well you get the picture.

The military has jet fighters, bombers, missiles, tanks, chemical suits, automatic weapons, subs, carriers, see where this is going?

What do we, the taxpayers who footed the bill for all of the above have? Oh, I remember, duck and cover.

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uh huh....well I ride the metro to work every day......ever been in a subway that stops on a bridge over the Potomac and only then notice that there are no emergency door release buttons or escape placards on the bulkheads?............think interdependancies and you will understand that most of us, military or not, are in the same boat......

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Actually behind door # 2, for the general public we have huge undergroung bunkers near key locations around the country, filled with heavy equipment (earth moving) and more lime then the mind can fathom. Gotta do something with the bodies after we were nuked.:cool:

Duck and Cover was about all anybody could, or can do. I don't see that as bunker mentality necessarily. Hell, if you were in combat with mortar rounds dropping around ya, you sure as hell would duck and cover..........hit the deck..............take cover, and any other term used over the many years that war has been around to stay alive.

I have no problem with the security of a bunker for the leaders of our country and armed forces. Sombody has to run the show.

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:laugh: I'll grab a six pack, and be right over to help ya.

There's a dude that lives about 3 blocks from me that has a bomb shelter. He's one of the original residents to live in this city, and I've been told it was built aroung 1964.

The guy across the street from me has built a "safe room" in his house since 9 / 11. He's got all the goodies to go along with it. Food, water, gas masks, you name it. I couldn't even think of living with that much fear as to build a shelter. I feel sorry for people like that. It looks like the world has come full circle, and now our kids have to live with an even worse threat. One that can't be detected till it's to late.

I wasn't kidding about the stockpiles of lime and equipment. When I was a kid in scouts, my best buds dad was a LT Col in the QMC. He spoke of one of the location he had been to in up-state NY, not far from Drum. It was kind of sobering to hear as a 12 year old kid that they were ready to dig mass graves to bury the population of NYC. I also have to say, we had the best equipt troop in state thanks to the US Army.


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Let's hope they never have to use all that lime Pete.

I have heard from a local source that some folks from the city have buried some old yellow school buses somewhere here in the Chihuahuan desert just in case the worst happens. It is supposed to be a simple but functional setup capable of sustaining the owners for an extended period. They got the idea from a guy in Canada. The setup is a modular design where one bus is outfitted as a kitchen, one as living quarters etc..

As the story goes they used a rented backhoe, finishing the whole burial process in a weekend. My question is what makes them think they will be able to get to it in enough time to make a difference? What if they make the trip and are holed up down there for a few days only to find it was a false alarm? Will they be as willing to rush to their shelter the next time? Like you said I feel sorry for folks like that.

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