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Are Jason Campbell's Handcuffs Off?


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Early in the season, my biggest hope was that we would see the fast and steady development of Jason Campbell. Through the first 3 games of this season it was pretty clear to see that Gibbs and Saunders kept the handcuffs on Jason Campbell. Maybe in the 2nd half of the Giants game if they had a more balanced offense we'd be talking 4-0 rather than 3-1.

Nonetheless, the past is the past. And today, we sit at 3-1 and Campbell sits poised to go into Green Bay building off of last week's momentum. It's not a stretch to say that Jason had his best week ever last week. Considering there was no Santana and Randle-El only played the first half that's saying a lot.

We've all seen that Jason throws a great deep ball and has incredible arm strength. We know his biggest problem is consistency but name me one young QB in NFL history who hasn't had that as a problem.

Now, it's safe to say that Campbell is gaining confidence, poise and pocket present and it's also safe to say the coaches are gaining confidence in Campbell's ability to lead.

As the season continues I'd like to see more growth for Campbell and I believe that if we take the handcuffs and let him be our leader, this team can go a very long way.

If we can get to the point where we can bank on 24points a game from this offense then I can see us playing deep into January.

Considering everything that this offense has endured, injuries to the O-Line and such, Campbell has remained a steady presence.

I'd like to hear what others think, is Campbell still being handcuffed or are the coaches ready to unleash him, open the playbook and let this offense reach it's full potential?


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They came off this past week. It was pretty clear. Instead of Jason playing not to make mistakes, they were letting him play to win. They put the game in his hands and were not disappointed.

I know it's only one game, but he is ready to take that next step up. What I love about him is that the guy is unflappable. The pocket broke down a couple of times and he rolled out while looking down field. He has that workman like attitude that I think is necessary in QB's.

The rest of the team seems to really like him and it shows.

I am looking forward to see what they let him do against Green Bay. Something else they were setting up last week is to split him out wide and for CP to throw him a pass. I can feel that one coming.

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This isn't so much about handcuffs as it is about execution. Remember, if WRs are running correct routes and the defense is out of position, passes can be completed deep.

But GBs defense is definitely a top tier defense and will pose a lot more problems than the Lions.

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I dont think so we played the Lions so they took them off.

However Green Bay doesnt have a scary defense and I expect the handcuffs to be off again.

Your response made no sense to me. So they were'nt off, but they were off. Now there gonna be off again for the next game?

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