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The Booth?


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Trying to take a different spin on our much beleaguered Coaching Staff so bear with me...

Al Saunders likes to call the Offensive Plays from the booth, if indeed he's calling the plays. To me, it's almost like calling the plays in from home while watching on the big screen. While I see all the action unfolding in front of me I really don't have a good feel for what's taking place by being up close with the players...like I'm not really participating...just kind of out of touch with what's going on.

Consequently, I feel, in this situation, that something gets lost in the translation. Namely, the continuity of game planning to in-game modifications seems to get lost. To me, in order to make changes based on what's going on, one must have their finger on the pulse and I just don't see the pulse making it way up there to the nosebleed section...just don't see it at all...

I noticed that Gilbride (Giants O Coordinator) was right there on the sidelines calling the plays and interacting with the Players...this has to provide better feel for the game...it has to!

I also noticed last night that Garrett (Cowboys O Coordinator) was right there on the sidelines and interacting with a number of players...specifically Romo sits to pee and look at that Juggernaught!

A lot of this game is about emotion, adrenaline and being swept up in the moment of battle! I don't know for sure whether being in the booth takes away from these things but I have seen nothing to tell me that it doesn't!!

What do you guys think? Am I mad??

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