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ESPN: Hashmarks. Matt Mosely postgame in 'Skins locker room


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I didn't see this posted yet.......*edit*format/it's the best I could do guys...:)


OK, let's do all this in one shot. For reasons I can't quite explain, I'm normally drawn to losing locker rooms. But tonight I decided to allot most of my post-game to the jubilant Redskins.

After a nice conversation with former Cowboys kicker Shaun Suisham that nearly ended in an awkward man hug, I closed in on veteran linebacker London Fletcher. This Redskins defense was awful last season, so it seems logical Fletcher's arrival from Buffalo has helped turned things around so far. He had six tackles and stayed in Donovan McNabb's face most of the night.

Until you stand next to Fletcher, it's hard to have an appreciation for how truly small he is. He's listed as 5-10, 245 pounds, but looks smaller than that. Starting defensive end Andre Carter said that Fletcher's "motivatonal words" made a huge difference in the huddle.

"He's inspiring us all the time," Carter said. "He pretty much refuses to let us get down. His level of communication is amazing."

Fletcher, now in his 10th season, made several TV cameras wait because he wanted to show off his new gray suit.

"We spent the offseason working on playing great on third down and in the red zone," he said. "We emphasized that in all our OTAs."

The Eagles were 4-of-16 on third down and failed to score a touchdown in four trips in the red zone...

I visited with quarterback Jason Campbell for so long that he almost missed the team bus. A good sign for Redskins fans is that Campbell was much more concerned about the plays he didn't make, including missing Santana Moss on a deep ball in the fourth quarter

"I have no clue how I missed him," he said. "I can't get that out of my head."

Campbell said he thought the most important drive of the game was at the end of the first half. The Redskins took over at their 27-yard line with 1:42 left and drove for a touchdown.

"In my mind, that was winning time," Campbell said.

He's still capable of making poor decisions, such as the interception early in the second quarter where he locked in on receiver Antwaan Randle El. But he's doing a lot better job managing the game. He admitted to me that a huge part of the game plan was going after cornerback William James, who was starting in place of the injured Lito Sheppard.

Eagles head coach Andy Reid said he called a timeout with 14 seconds left in the first half because he thought the Eagles only had 10 players on the field. The timeout gave Redskins coach Joe Gibbs time to re-think his decision, and Jason Campbell found Chris Cooley for a 16-yard touchdown.

The touchdown came after the Redskins had three consecutive penalties after reaching the Eagles' 1-yard line.

Surreal locker room moment of the night: After I asked Redskins defensive end Demetric Evans a few questions, he stopped me and said, "Hey man, how do you think I looked?"

I was so stunned by the question that I ended up responding, "You looked great to me," which makes me feel a little weird now that I see it in print.

Why did the Redskins have so much success stopping the Eagles on third down? According to several players, defensive coordinator Gregg Williams kept mixing up the defense. He called a lot of zones, which helped the defense account for running back Brian Westbrook. Fletcher said that Williams used to send him on the blitz all the time in Buffalo, so it makes sense that he was turned loose Monday.

No one for the Redskins came right out and said it, but they hinted that the Eagles were easier to stop because they weren't so fearful of McNabb making plays with his legs.

In case you missed it, Brian Westbrook's younger brother, Byron, is on the Redskins' practice squad. He usually plays defensive back, but this week, he played the role of his big brother on scout team. I totally meant to ask Fletcher about that, but forgot.

Brian made some interesting comments after the game. He questioned his teammates' sense of urgency, as well as his own.

"I think today when we went out, we just didn't have that sense of urgency. We try to get the guys pumped up and things like that, but we didn't really have that sense of urgency from the beginning."

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