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I could be wrong, Legendz, and admittedly the Eagles have done more with less than I would have thought ... but Philly doesn't seem to be good or healthy enough to "run over" any of these playoff teams. With strong D and STs they could advance, but I think, win or lose, their games will be close.

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EL, I'd be more concerned with San Francicso. They have some real weapons on the offensive side of the ball. And, if I'm not mistaken, their secondary was banged up Monday Night. Same old Bucs. That slow, plodding offense can't move the ball against the Eagles. But, then again, losing to the Bucs would be the ultimate disappointment, something we've become occustomed to.

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Originally posted by MikeB

Hopefully come tomorrow, you won't have to worry about who wins...;)

Blaaaahhhh. I don't think I'll have the heart to watch tommorrows game if they lose tonight.

The reason I want the Niners is, I don't think they will be able to stop anyone. The Eagles run alot of 3-4 WR sets, and that means Mike Rumph will be in the game. The Niners just aren't that good defensivly, and yes while their O is good, I'd rather deal with the Niners O than the Bucs D.

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