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The Other DEs - Worth a read if we move down to #31


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You are 100% right. I stand corrected. I suppose my judgement is impaired due to the losses in 2001, 2003 and 2004. The conference is very similiar to the Big 10.....where there are only two above average teams...Ohio State and Michigan. Whoever wins that game, wins the conference every year, and for some reason, gets a crazy amount of support--even if the rest of the conference is weak.

For years it was the winner of Nebraska vs. Oklahoma....but I think that is over since 2004. Fans were going to riot if Oklahoma somehow sneaked into another national title game. It is hard to say that a Texas Tech or Texas has been a great team over the prior 25 or 30 years.

I don't post that often, but Overrated are you kidding me. That average team from Ohio, after their National Championship season the sent 22 players to the NFL... 22. , and the other average team Michigan, who even to mention them turns my stomach(ohio thing) also deserves respect as one of the best programs ever. But don't take my word for it, look it up.

By the way that overated league also has Penn State and Wisconsin. You might remember them they beat SEC contenders Tennessee and Arkansas respectively in the bowl games in January.

Iowa, the fifth best team in that weak league for of average teams had Texas down to the wire and lost late by two points.

I respect the Big 12, Stoops is from the Yougnstown, Ohio area, is a great coach and revived a program that was Dominate in the 80's. Osborne and Nebraska - sent chills down the backs of everyone that played them. Texas and Texas A+M has rich history including A+M's fight with Penn State over who is Linbacker U. But then again compared to the SEC and the other schools from the sunshine state "They'll just a bunch a pukes"

As for the SEC:

You can say that Alabama was good, when you were 5, and Auburn had a couple decent seasons, LSU - too bad Saban left too early. Tennessee had Peyton Manning, Georgia - Hershel gave them a good year or two, I guess you could say FLorida has proven their merit in the 90's and with the Handling of my School in the Bowl Game, but one school hardly makes the SEC a power conference.

And don't get me started on all the standouts playing in the NFL from Florida.

PS Sorry I didn't intend on a honda, just irked

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That's what I'm saying. Moses was more highly touted that his teammate Johnson, but he had a bad senior season so his stock dropped I guess. Anyone have his #'s?

Quentin Moses (Georgia)

6-5, 261 lbs, 4.85 40

17 reps of 225 lbs,

Last year he had 12 TFL and 4.5 sacks but in 2005 he had 20.5 TFL and 11.5 sacks. Had he replicated those numbers his senior year there is no doubt he would have been in the top 15. But his poor performance at the combine, his derious production drop-off his senior year, and his size all indicate to me that the guy doesn't work hard enough and is more likely to flop than some of the other guys available around then. However if he does dedicate himself he could be an absolute steal.

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