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Caseys' and Andres' interview on Sirius NFL radio today


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the weekly tuesday call-in interviews on Sirius NFL radio today on Tim Ryan and Pat Kirwans show.

Adre Carter interview summary:


Ryan did the Skins game on Fox again this week, and as an older defensive player, he loooovves 'Dre. One of the highlights of Andre's interview Im sure alot of people whould find interesting, was the talk about Greg Williams. Ryan said he woulda loved to play for Greg Williams cause of his knowledge and passion and asked Andre about playing for Greg. Andre said Greg Williams makes it fun to play the game, and you gotta have fun playing, or its all for nothing. And went on to say other good stuff about Greg, mentioning that he respects and speaks to the guys as men. (which is opposite what the gutless turd 'anonymous player' was quoted saying in that espn article)

At the end of the interview they had a little fun with Andre, and Ryan mentioned that he had Andre 'fire up one of his biceps in the pregame production meeting' and the production crew has been talking about it for 2 days saying 'something isnt right with that thats freakish!'. Ryan told them, 'yeah its called being strong as a horse and cut!'

On the Casey Rabach interview:


Of course Kirwan and Ryan opened up asking Casey what happened after that great start to the game. Casey basically said that they need to figure out how to finish the game. Kirwan said, "if someone were to tell me you guys averaged 5yrds a carry rushing, and rushed for over 100yards in a Joe Gibbs offense and lost the game, I wouldn't have believed it"

Ryan and Kirwan also gave him props for being able to handle Grady Jackson pretty well in the run game which is no easy task. They talked about how Grady is so damn big that he is able to hold a double-team easily. Casey said they started running to the outside so they could just cut Grady. It was also mentioned how Grady sometimes gets called for defensive holding, but he is also very good at getting away with it. In talking about some of the breakdowns, Casey mentioned that they were starting to blitz more and more with 8 and 9 guys, and how they had never seen a 9 mine blitz before.

The closing question was his thoughts on Gibbs coming back next year, and Casey said he was very exited and the rest of the guys found comfort in knowing it. He also mentioned that Gibbs was one of the big reasons he came here as a free-agent, cause he knew Gibbs likes to the run the ball, and he loves to run block. (which isnt a suprise, cause most O-linemen love to run block and mash people rather than pass block)

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Glad AC had good things to say about GW. I think he still has a tremendous upside, and over the last 4 games has been "A solid starter", maybe not an allstar, but good enough in my opinion.

Having Holdman playing behind him most of the time exposes his weaknesses, which exist for every player. If we still had LaVar there, I think you would see much more from Carter...

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Your Apostrophes Are In The Wrong Places

And you capitalize every word. Nobody calls you out on it. :)

As for the interviews,

Interesting how Andre said that GW talks to everybody like a man, contrary to the source in the article.

Andre has been playing well lately, looks like he is starting to earn that contract.


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