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Question about DVD Recorders

Ghost of

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Ok, two questions:

1) Any recommendations?

2) I've read that some programming can't be recorded to DVD due to some encoding for copyright protection. Is there a quality DVD Recorder that doesn't have this or allows for disabling? Basically, would I be able to order an OnDemand movie (say the Wire or Rome) and record it on most DVD Recorders?

(If not, is there a way to bypass this protection?)

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I have a panny with a hard drive (E80 or something like that). It's been a great machine. Basically a VCR on steriods is how I like to think of it. I have it programmed to record the shows I watch every week. Occasionally I'll burn one to the DVD drive. Mostly a fantastic sporting event or something for my daughter (a movie or something).

You cannot record pre-recorded DVD's directly or copy them to the hard drive. I have a little black box which will allow me to record pre-recorded VCRS. They are my VCR tapes and I want it on DVD. May be illegal but they can kiss my you know what. I'm not dealing with VCR tapes anymore.

I don't know about recording off On-demand since my DVD recorder isn't connected to my cable box (it's connected directly to cable). I haven't had a desire to record anything off digital cable yet so I can't help you there.

I'm not sure if my little black box would strip out the copy protection they use on On Demand or not.

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My digital cable tv supplier - FOXTEL - has nine movie channels that are encryption free, so it's not unheard of for me to record, to DVD, up to five movies on any given day.

On top of that, they also have Box Office, but that is encrypted and when I tried to record, it somehow shuts down the DVD recorder after seven minutes.

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I've had my eye on a new DVD recorder for the upstairs bedroom for a while now. Finally decided on a Panasonic xxx25s model. Anyways placed the order at 11:00 AM.

$199 Retail price at Circuity City

- $30 Web only price

- $30 First day eligible for rebate to my surprise

Cool. Things are looking up. Decided on in-store pickup at Tyson's West location.

Go to store at 5:38 PM to pick it up. Sales associate can't find it in the backroom. *taps fingers* Associate Mgr goes to back of store to find it. *crosses arms* Comes back in a few minutes with my dvd player.

1st Guy gives me a $24 gift card for me waiting and not giving me my stuff within the 24 minutes guarentee. Clock starts when I place the order. I walk out at 5:48 PM. Score!

From $199 to $115. I'm so easily amused.

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