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***Before you read all this jsut to let you know---it isn't and argument or question. Just something I found motivational today with the game and odd chance!***

It has been ages since I have made a thread but this just seemed the time. And after this one I might have to go back into hiding again... BUT --As I was watching the Skins vs. Kittens I saw it happening again. The boys were fighting as if they were snakes cornered. Their fangs were out and they were dripping venom. As I was watching the game I just had that feeling that they weren't going to be stopped. They just were dieing to produce-- and they did.

My little cousin (skins fan also, I would have it no other way) was doubting the team. I tried to explain to him that the skins 'aren't outta nothing' and as long as there is hope you gotta remember to plow forward. However, on the spot and with the game on I couldn't articulate a good message to him and felt kinda bad. But a minute after this little discussion Campbell and Cooley connected for that beautiful 66 yarder! After we had stopped cheering and jumpin all over the place my older cousin (baltimores fan- god i hate him this season) was looking at movies coming out in theaters soon. Sitting there with my younger, still smiling from the big play, I heard the teaser of Rocky 6 being played. I tried to drone it out but the volume on the computer was to loud. I had never heard it before but as soon as I did... It was a WOW kinda moment.

Not to be 'that guy' (the ITS A SIGN! guy) but after I heard this I just thought of the skins. Made my little cousin listen to it again to crystalize the point I was trying to make earlier.

Heres Rocky- :)

"What is it you said to the kid? The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very rough, mean place... and no matter how tough you think you are, it'll always bring you to your knees and keep you there, permanently... if you let it. You or nobody ain't never gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit... it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward... how much you can take, and keep moving forward. If you know what you're worth, go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit."


Not 100% a football quote but man.... After that I was hooked. Just seemed to me the kinda message that got into the boys minds today. If they have that kind of fire in their bellies and venom in their veins for the these remaining 5 games... we have got something magical.

Gibbs will be quasi immortal for taking a team two years in a row to the playoffs where a 5 and out were the only ticket. But this time with a back up running back and new Qb. I hope everyone else still sees the light at the end of the tunnel and isn't fading dark. One again we are the underdogs who have to deliever the big bite and I honestly think we can do it. Just as we did last season when all said 'Impossible' we will do it again. Everyone once again has us written off. But I will take it. They won't see the frieght train coming down on them till it is to late. Hope this helped put some spark back into anyone loosing it like my little cousin. But I can't stand to watch faith lost. Especially when there is still the chance!!!!!

okay... I feel better now :D

Besides whenever there is an excuse for an Italian to bring up Rocky he has to take it! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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