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Please help me..

pR0JEkT 21

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I live way the heck out here in Las Vegas and unfortunately I don't have the means to buy a ticket and fly all the way over there to the East Coast and watch a real live Redskins game at FedEx Field even though I would really like too someday.

Please someone help me, I am looking for a gameday program from the game 2 weeks ago when the Redskins beat Dallas 22 to 19. I am willing to pay the cost of the program and the shipping if thats ok with whoever has one. Please pm me or visit me and leave a message at..


Thanks for your help in advance...I'd really appreciate it!

H T T R!

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Good Luck with you search, but why link your myspace instead of e-mail ?

Also if you are so desperate..why not offer a little more to sweeten the pot, folks that went to that game and actually bought a program wont likely be readily willing to part with it for cost.

Personally I havent bought a home program in many years (since my Dad bought me one). I have bought a few road programs though.

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