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Video Test


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Thanks everyone

Alright, I think I finally figured out how to make these HD videos that are insane in size, down to a small size, without losing the HD quality.

Special Thanks to Torresa of course for the program to use!

Heres the link to the video, let me know what you think about the quality.

I plan on having this as the quality for the rest of the games this year.

Video Link:


Please right click and choose "save target as"

The play is pretty badass too

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So 20 people most likely watched this video, but only 1 replied. But some of you 20 people will be the first to complain about something.

Sad, sometimes makes me wish I didnt record games.

Oh, dont think like that homie, There is definetly more then 1 Skins fan you make happy by doing this, some people just take ish for granted..without even thinking about the people who make it happen.

And im not one of them...keep up the good work on the service you have put time, effort, and money into for all of us.

Hail to you!!!! :notworthy :applause:

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