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So whats up with all these Redskins sport reporters. Do they all hate the Redskins? Do they hate D.C.? Or are they just not Redskin fans. It seems that everytime I watch the reports, except for George Michaels, it seems that they always are talking negative on the Redskins. I mean, I've noticed the ESPN guys hate the Redskins, I think we can all agree on that, but now even the home town stations are doing it. I could understand them talking about us when we started off bad, but I mean, we just beat our rival in a must win game, which could be a turning point, and they still are talking about how we probably dont have what it takes to go anywhere. Maybe I just tune in at the wrong times, but has anyone noticed this going on?

Maybe they're tought to report like these, just so they dont look bad if they predict a win and we lose, but it really bothers me and I dont know why. Im at a big high point in loving the Skins this year, bigger than I ever had, so when ever someone talks down on them, im ready to snap.

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I have also noticed this. The reporters in the local area ARE fans too and that is why they are so upset at the lack of performance this year. We all had such high expectations. I belive they are sick of not getting any clear responses or answers from Gibbs and they are digging harder. I think think this has finally made an impact on the coaches. Example: Reporters this week demanded to know why DUCKETT has not been used. This week GIBBS has responded by saying they will use him in short yardage situations on 3rd downs.

In conclusion. sometimes reporters have to get tough in order to get response. It will turn around at some point. Let's just hope it is soon.

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Ignore the negative and only digest the positive. Remember, everyone is not wishful, hopeful, or even expecting the Redskins to do well. Some Redskins fans don't think the Skins will have a winning season.

This is exactly how it was last year, when we were 5-6 before the break. After the break, we won six (6) games straight, including a playoff game. I was one of many other fans who still believed that the Redskins would go to the playoff. Now here we are in the same situation...why should I believe any differently? Until we are mathematically out of it, I'll still believe.

Look at my sig... It speaks for me!

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We're 3-5, what's been positive?

We have a poor record.

We don't have anyone who's having a standout season right now and several former standout players who are having poor seasons, so they can't even hype up an individual Redskin's performance.

I really don't mind the negative stuff right now, it's deserved.

The negative stuff bothers me more in the offseason rather than during the season anyway. In the offseason, all we have is opinion but in the regular season we see results. Right now, the results are not good.

I guess the negative stuff would begin to bother me again if the Skins do get on another roll and string some games together and folks say stuff like, "They're a mirage" or "They're pretenders" or some dismissive stuff like that.

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We're 3-5, what's been positive?

We have a poor record.

We don't have anyone who's having a standout season right now and several former standout players who are having poor seasons, so they can't even hype up an individual Redskin's performance.

I really don't mind the negative stuff right now, it's deserved.

The negative stuff bothers me more in the offseason rather than during the season anyway. In the offseason, all we have is opinion but in the regular season we see results. Right now, the results are not good.

I guess the negative stuff would begin to bother me again if the Skins do get on another roll and string some games together and folks say stuff like, "They're a mirage" or "They're pretenders" or some dismissive stuff like that.

:cheers: The Redskins WILL be an NFC Wildcard Team THIS year (in-spite of Gibbs' legendary stubborness & Brunell's weaknesses; as, Gibbs is, well...Gibbs: an NFL Hall of Fame Head Coach who has won BIG before...He'll come to his senses)!!!:eaglesuck

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