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Just a few random thoughts....for crying in the mud!


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If any of these thoughts were already posted I apologize in advance for reposting them. However since I am way to lazy to search for them and they are new to me I wish to type them down. You know cause its Friday and what else is there to do then read Redskins stuff! So here we go!

1. Brandon Lloyd...I think when Brunell has actually tried throwing him the ball he has played very well. He has had a couple of nice deep ball catches and I really think he is a nice compliment to Moss. I keep reading stuff about how hes been a bust for us. I think that is due more to lack of oppurtunity then anything else.

2. Mark Brunell/Jason Campbell....Just kidding, you were expecting yet another comment about these two. Alls I will say is that everything I have to say has already been said many many times. I will say one thing about it though. How many of you benched Brunell and started Campbell first season in Madden? Yeah I went there!

3. Interceptions....I could be wrong on this, but don't we only have two of these? Do we know what these are? Listen to me talking like I'm out there...I wish. Anyway does Greg teach to watch only the player and not the ball? I only ask this because for those of you who have been able to watch all the games, doesn't it seem like our backs don't go for the ball and just lock onto the reciever. Afraid to get burnt maybe or is it just that much always out of position. I seriously try to start whatever quarterback is playing against us in my salary cap league because they always seem to have a great game and at least I know I will get positive points.

4. Taxes and Insurance....How much do you think Batman pays for taxes and insurance on the Batmobile? Also can you imagine what they could do with that think on Pimp My Ride?

5. The Hogettes....Could possibly the most rediculas outfit ever. However given the chance to wear a wig, pig nose, dress and then go stand in front of 91000 people and chear for the skins! Yeah count me in! I'll take two and I'll bet all of you would join me!

6. Big plays.....I'm very greedy and therefore if anyone can pass on to Mr. Gibbs that we need more of these that would be great. Only because I like it when you guys cut them and set them to music. Oh yeah and cause they help us win games!

7. Sean Taylor....is.....The Man. Clinton Portis is very close 2nd. (my opinion) Which by the way I'm sure all of you have seen this, but if not thehogs.net has the coolest background of Sean Taylor. I highly recomend it. I know its been around for a long time, but just in case!

8. The running game....I think until MB can start passing for more then 200 yards we are going to struggle here. They can just load the box. I will say that MB played better but still not great in the Dallas game, he used the middle of the field a little bit more. Drop by Cooley and the hold against Fauria kinda hurt. I know there are other factors to helping our running game, but that is the one I wanted to bring up.

9. Redskins Faithfull...Negative, Positive and all in between. If you are on ES talking about the skins and say the Skins are your team. To me that is Redskins Faithfull. I appreciate all the threads and to those of you who created and mainted ES. I big thank you! I love the skins and because of you I can come and talk or read about them anytime I want!

10. This Thread.....Off the wall....all my own opinions please take them as such. Nope I'm not drunk! Thank you for reading my post. Have a good weekend everyone as we enjoy the Skins beating the Eagles.

ps.I apologize for grammer and spelling errors! Hey if you choke a smurf what color does he turn? :dallasuck :eaglesuck

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