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TJ Duckett/Mike Sellers on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and Goal?


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I was going NUTS watching Gibbs run 4 consecutive times up the gut, while NOT using Duckett or Sellers. Portis is a Ferrari NOT a bulldozer.

I like that analogy. Not only that but our Ferrari has a left fender bender (shoulder). Sometimes I really think this coaching staff out think themselves :(.

Duckett and Sellers = 530+ pounds of grade A, RB beef coming at you. Who would want to deal with that?

I think the front office is as inconsistent as Brunell. You get Archulette for 10 mil which looks to be a pretty big bust and then you pick up vincent who looks like a great pick up.

You get Portis in the trade for Bailey and CP is the shiz. Then you pick up Duckett and he's not a factor, barely is active, and you had a chance to trade him before the trading deadline and get equal, or little less then equal, value for him.

It's no wonder we are 3-5 right now. Inconsistent FO moves, inconsistent playcalling, inconsistent QB and defensive play:(


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I wondered yesterday the same thing, why not Duckett?? I have been waiting to see him in there in these situations. but....I went back and watched that first drive again in slow motion on the DVR and what I saw was this.....

It wouldn't have mattered who was running the ball, there was zero place to go with a pile of bodies between the backfield and the end zone. This was the case on every play where the Skins were trying to punch it in there. At first I thought the O line just wasn't performing for crap but the Dallas D played that drive a certain way and dictated that outcome. If you can go back and watch it, you'll se this. Every one of those downs, there is at least one and often two or three of the Dallas D that doesn't even try to penetrate, they immediately just dive for the knees of the Skins O linemen and take them down instantly, when they went down after that they usually were rolled into another one of the Oline and took him out too. This results in a pile of bodies with linebacker support, no RB is getting through that. As an Olineman how do you counter this? I don't know....but the Dllas D used this technique for all of the running downs there at the goal line. TJ is a freight train and I have been dying to see him in these situations but I doubt that even TJ could move the pile when it already on the ground before he gets to it.

The one chance there wqas to beat this scheme was the dive attempt by CP but that fell short becasue Roy Williams got around the tackle and clipped CP's feet as he was trying to leap over the heap. Had Roy Williams not gotten there it could have been a different jump .

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