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Media Packet - At the Bye


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Media Packet - At the Bye

2 weeks to salvage a season and restore a team's reputation. Its not much time. Gibb's has worked magic before. Whether or not he, Gregg Williams, and Al Saunders can patch up the jalopy and get it running in the right direction again remains to be seen.

Here's the State of the Union Address.

Click HERE to read the BYE Week Media Packet

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I don't know, I think we're 2 1/2 point dogs at home right now, not looking good :D

Does our team have the pride to do anything about the insult of being underdogs at home to the Dallas Cowboys? That's what I want to see.

If we lose to them twice, we have no heart. Even when Dallas was winning Super Bowls and we sucked we still managed to split with them for years after Gibbs left cause of the pride and tradition of the rivalry.

I have a serious fear/concern that Mark Brunell is truly on another teams payroll.

A. He has ONE good game this year against Jacksonville, where he had the intrinsic motivation to perform against Jack Del Rio, who released him. The Houston game was a farce, that strategy wouldn't have been successful against any team with a good defense.

B. The interception against Tennessee looked like it was intentional on Brunells part. His smiling on the sidelines and non-chalant attitude week after

week make me think hes playing with a "I don't give a ****" attitude.

C. Even with his lack of arm strength...throwing 3 yard passes on 3rd and 8 is unexcusable.

D. He seems to be "injured" alot during the week and skips out on practices.

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