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Why did Gibbs FINALLY bench Brunell in '04?


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Just wondering what it will take to get a change around here.

In 2004, we were 3-5, coming off wins against two powerhouses: the 5-11 Bears and the 6-10 Bears. Mark Brunell threw for under 100 yards in both of those games. Then we play Cincinnati. After going 1 for 8 and digging us a 17 point hole, Gibbs FINALLY plays Ramsey. We then proceed to come within one score of tying the game.

At 3-6, we are in much more dire straits right now, and we need spark more than we did that year. Other parts of the team still sucked, but still the change was made. How can Gibbs NOT make a change during the bye?

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The crowd at the Cincy gamed chanted "Ramsey, Ramsey, Ramsey" because, yes, believe it or not, the fans were right and Gibbs was not. Unfortunately, I think the situation is the same here. So, when we get romped by Dallas in 2 weeks, hopefully we'll hear chants for Campbell too. There were some chants at the tenessee game, but they were barely audible on TV. Once we're down by 2-3 scores against dallas, i'm sure we'll hear it.

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Because he was horrible and everyone wanted a change at qb. I was at a sports bar during the game he got benched and I heard people on the other side of the bar cheering like we were winning or something. I was cheering too because brunell was horrible just like he is this year except for what 2 games.

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I agree I think at some point there will be a QB change for the team sake if for nothing else because I think if something is not done we are going to destroy this team morale wise. I think our problem is not just at QB bu5t could it be possible there are to many chiefs on the redskins coaching staff? Just a thought.

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I was a brunell supporter until we lost to the titans, now I'm pretty angry that Campbell is not playing...........................why should we waste next season also --- get campbell some experience and maybe next season we can make a run.

If Gibbs wasn't going to play campbell for 2 season why trade 3 draft choices for him. I'm pissed, but I'm still supporting Gibbs.

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