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The Twelve Suggested Steps of Mark Brunell Supporters Anonymous


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Hi, my name is NYSkins1, and I was once a Mark Brunell supporter. (“Hi NYSkins1.”) It started week 2 of last season, when he threw those two deep completions to Santana Moss in the final five minutes of the game. Later that season, his arm, Moss’ hands, and Clinton Portis’ legs carried us into the playoffs. I got such a rush from seeing the Redskins win, and I believed that Mark Brunell was the answer to our problems.

That mentality blinded me, and I began making excuses for Mark’s poor performances this season. I believed that his 22 consecutive completions in the Houston game were an amazing accomplishment. I started telling other people that getting rid of Mark Brunell would harm us.

But my friends, I have been unblinded this week. I have seen the wickedness of my ways, and I am here to help you do the same. I’ve been clean for five hours now. That is why I have developed this twelve-step program to get over your admiration for Mark Brunell.

1. Admit our admiration of Mark Brunell, and recognize its consequences in our lives.

We must realize that Mark Brunell is not the great quarterback that we all thought he was, and we must realize that these thoughts have caused us great pain in the form of Redskins losses.

2. Come to believe that a power other than self can restore us to wholeness.

We must recognize that the Washington Redskins are greater than self, and we must realize that our selfish tendencies are keeping us from believing in the superiority of the Redskins’ Good Will.

3. Make a decision to go for refuge to this other power as we understand it.

We must make the decision to allow ourselves to believe in what is best for the Redskins’ future, and that is starting Jason Campbell.

4. Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

We must understand why we once believed in the greatness of Mark Brunell, and we must understand Mark Brunell is only able to complete passes that are less than 15 yards, unless they are to the other team.

5. Admit to ourselves and another human being the exact moral nature of our past.

We must speak to other Redskins fans and explain to them why we believed in Mark Brunell, and allow them to help us on our path to recovery.

6. Become entirely ready to work at transforming ourselves.

We must accept the sacrifice that will be made in benching Mark Brunell in favor of Jason Campbell, and we must be ready to accept the potential losses that will come in allowing Campbell to gain playing experience.

7. With the assistance of others and our own firm resolve, we transform unskillful aspects of ourselves and cultivate positive ones.

We must bench the unskilled Mark Brunell in order to cultivate Jason Campbell’s skills.

8. Make a list of all persons we have harmed.

We must realize that we have harmed Redskins fans nationwide with our belief, as well as the Redskins’ wide receivers, who have suffered from being unable to receive passes from a more skilled quarterback.

9. Make direct amends to such people where possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. In addition, make a conscientious effort to forgive all those who harmed us.

We must apologize the Redskins fans whose opinions we have shot down. We must also apologize to those fans who have shot down our own opinions.

10. Continue to maintain awareness of our actions and motives, and when we act unskilfuly promptly admit it.

We must recognize problems with the Redskins as soon as they are apparent, and we must correct these problems as swiftly as possible.

11. Engage through the practice of support to improve our conscious contact with our true team, and seek that beyond self.

We must continue to support the Redskins in order to find healing.

12. Gaining insight as a result of these steps, we practice these principles in all areas of our lives, and make this message available to others in need of recovery.

We must convince all people who are still supporters of Mark Brunell that keeping him on the field does no good, that Jason Campbell needs valuable NFL experience, and that Mark Brunell will not carry us to the playoffs this year.

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