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My Great Grandmother's brother and Snyder


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Tonight is not only a big game for the Redskins' 70th anniversery team, but also for my Great Grandmother's brother, Bernie (I'm not sure what that makes him in relation to me).

You see, Bernie is 98 years old. He has a tube through his nose to help him breathe. But he still makes it to every home game. He claims to have only missed one game since 1937.

Another one of my relatives wrote Dan Snyder a letter about two months ago telling him about Bernie.

Well, about a month ago he received a reply. You see, Dan Snyder has invited Bernie to watch this game from his private suite.

Just thought I'd share this with you guys.

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Originally posted by RySkins

Tonight is not only a big game for the Redskins' 70th anniversery team, but also for my Great Grandmother's brother, Bernie (I'm not sure what that makes him in relation to me).

Great, great uncle maybe?

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So you're showing up with some old age makeup and a breathing tube? (Just kidding...can't say it wouldn't cross my mind).

Well this sort of treatment of fans is just another example of why Daniel Snyder is the most...oh...never mind.

If the press got this story, how would they put the obligatory negative spin on it?

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That is a nice gesture by Snyder, but I have to wonder how much of that invitation is a publicity ploy and how much of it is a genuine gesture of charity/goodwill.

Regardless, sounds like it will be a very memorable experience for a true fan. Given your description, I can't think of a more deserving person.

If you are in contact with him, could you perhaps post any comments he has about his experience with Synder and the elitist fraternity of the rich and famous? I, for one, would find it very interesting.

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That is a nice gesture by Snyder, but I have to wonder how much of that invitation is a publicity ploy and how much of it is a genuine gesture of charity/goodwill.

Right, because the marketing master himself has decided to spread the word via a post at extremeskins.com. Seriously, its the same old crap. People decide they don't like someone, and then it takes a rock to the head to convince them otherwise. The publicity ploy line is uncalled for IMHO, and speaks heavily to your bias.

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It seems some people are taking offense at my questioning Synder's motives. If this invite is the real deal and this gesture made by Snyder does not get airplay by ESPN (someone would have to make a point to clue them in), then I will be surprised.

I am not naive or ignorant. I don't see the world with rose colored glasses. There are moments that we transcend our animal origins, impulses, gratification, and selfish desires. Some people more than others. No one is all good or all bad, however, I don't give people a pat on the back for their *incapacity* to do the "wrong" thing. Just because Synder "could" have not made this gesture at all, does not mean he should be congratulated.

I'm genuinely happy for this person to enjoy a fantastic experience and at the same time I am admittedly envious of his opportunity to be the proverbial "fly on the wall". I just find it interesting that this invite comes on a day that the Skins will be on national TV.

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Even if the Skins dropped a hint to ESPN, why does it have to be for Synders gain, why not so the TV crew can let the world know about loyality from an average Joe and even in his failing health he attends the games. Hail to your Uncle and if there was more fans like him FedEx would not have all thoise darn Eagles fans there.

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It seems some people are taking offense at my questioning Synder's motives. If this invite is the real deal and this gesture made by Snyder does not get airplay by ESPN (someone would have to make a point to clue them in), then I will be surprised.

It wouldn't have to be one of Snyder's people to clue them in, so your wonderful deductive logic breaks down immediately.

I am not naive or ignorant. I don't see the world with rose colored glasses.

That doesnt mean you aren't paranoid and jaded, with a highly assumptive personality. You are going down the ASF conspiracy theorist track.

There are moments that we transcend our animal origins, impulses, gratification, and selfish desires. Some people more than others. No one is all good or all bad, however, I don't give people a pat on the back for their *incapacity* to do the "wrong" thing. Just because Synder "could" have not made this gesture at all, does not mean he should be congratulated.

No one is telling you to congratulate him. The fact that its an issue to you, however, shows your bias.

I'm genuinely happy for this person to enjoy a fantastic experience and at the same time I am admittedly envious of his opportunity to be the proverbial "fly on the wall". I just find it interesting that this invite comes on a day that the Skins will be on national TV.

The skins are on national TV all the time, and the MNF game (we played Philly, if you remember) gets much higher ratings, as will the Thanksgiving game (admittedly thats not a home game).

Honestly, nothing you've said alters the fact that you're going out of your way to ***** at Snyder in the same manner Democrats and Republicans attempt to belittle noble actions by figures in either party.

Give it up. You'll see the light soon enough.

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It wouldn't have to be one of Snyder's people to clue them in, so your wonderful deductive logic breaks down immediately.[/Quote]

No, it wouldn't have to be one of Snyder's people. Who do you believe is a logical alternative? Please impress me with your lateral thinking versus a derogatory insult (as seems to be your inclination).

That doesnt mean you aren't paranoid and jaded, with a highly assumptive personality. You are going down the ASF conspiracy theorist track.[/Quote]

I live in the real world, so, yes, I am sometimes paranoid and jaded. I am also many other things (some good, some bad). My opinion is admittedly speculative, but it is based on an educated guess. I do not know what an "assumptive personality" is, I have never seen that terminology, perhaps you can enlighten me.

No one is telling you to congratulate him. The fact that its an issue to you, however, shows your bias.[/Quote]

I am not biased, perhaps you are paranoid and jaded? Or perhaps you just have a different view (it is OK for people to have different views isn't it)?

The skins are on national TV all the time, and the MNF game (we played Philly, if you remember) gets much higher ratings, as will the Thanksgiving game (admittedly thats not a home game).[/Quote]

I believe the orignal poster said the letter was written a month ago. This would exclude the MNF game from being a possibility. As for the game against Dallas, I think the poster said the man only attends home games.

Honestly, nothing you've said alters the fact that you're going out of your way to ***** at Snyder in the same manner Democrats and Republicans attempt to belittle noble actions by figures in either party.[/Quote]

Out of my way? Noble (laugh)? I think you may be the true spin doctor.

Give it up. You'll see the light soon enough.[/Quote]

What exactly is "the light"?

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No, it wouldn't have to be one of Snyder's people. Who do you believe is a logical alternative? Please impress me with your lateral thinking versus a derogatory insult (as seems to be your inclination).

If it makes you feel better to jump on the "ooh you hurt my feelings tram", go ahead, it doesnt benefit your argument, however. The suite is visible from all over the field. The suite is famous. It is routine, as it was during the Cooke era, for broadcasters to run down the list of people sitting in the suite for a game. If they don't know someone on sight, they would send a gopher to check it out. Additionally, the family itself may go to the press. Really, how do you think 90% of the redskins personal human interest stories are sourced? Do you think that the local and national networks go scouring the stadiums for long-lived fans? Honestly, I expected better from you. Especially the pathetic attempt at describing my thinking as "lateral".

I live in the real world, so, yes, I am sometimes paranoid and jaded. I am also many other things (some good, some bad). My opinion is admittedly speculative, but it is based on an educated guess. I do not know what an "assumptive personality" is, I have never seen that terminology, perhaps you can enlighten me.

Well, the admission of paranoia and jaded certainly seems to fit the bill

Paranoid - Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others

Jaded - Cynically or pretentiously callous.

As for the other things.... I'm sure you can be a wonderful person. Most people, however, strike a balance between naivete/rose-colored glasses and paranoid/jaded behavior. Simply to say that its ok to be paranoid because this is the real world is pretty silly. It doesnt make your viewpoint valid in any way, shape, or form.

As for the assumptive personality bit, perhaps you assumed assumptive wasn't actually a word?

as·sump·tive Pronunciation Key (-smptv)


1. Characterized by assumption.

2. Taken for granted; assumed.

3. Presumptuous; assuming.

I am not biased, perhaps you are paranoid and jaded? Or perhaps you just have a different view (it is OK for people to have different views isn't it)?

No, but perhaps now you're just being delusional :D

Out of my way? Noble (laugh)? I think you may be the true spin doctor.

Good one. No really. Because there's quite a bit of support for that statement. Somewhere. Maybe. No? Ok. Then it was stupid. Alrighty then.

What exactly is "the light"?

The ability to reach a higher viewpoint, one based on objective observations rather than this silly voodoo-like soul divination.

I for one, hope they do mention it tonight. It'll be a nice little piece. Would it make your viewpoint valid? Nope. Is there any support for it? Nope.

Just relax, enjoy the game, enjoy the 70th anniversary tribute (which I'm sure you think it somehow underhanded and sleazy, obviously intended to put money in Snyder's pockets and nothing else), and have a good time.

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Oh, and by the way.... from the first post in the thread....

Another one of my relatives wrote Dan Snyder a letter about two months ago telling him about Bernie.

Which pretty much destroys this line of reasoning:

I believe the orignal poster said the letter was written a month ago. This would exclude the MNF game from being a possibility. As for the game against Dallas, I think the poster said the man only attends home games.

Note that I had already pointed out that the Thanksgiving game wasn't a home game (no owner's box, just a visiting box, and 50 other reasons it wouldnt be as appropriate).

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Another one of my relatives wrote Dan Snyder a letter about two months ago telling him about Bernie.[/Quote]

I was wrong about the time frame, however, in relation to my original viewpoint, I'm still not sure what this proves or disproves.

If it makes you feel better to jump on the "ooh you hurt my feelings tram", go ahead, it doesnt benefit your argument, however. The suite is visible from all over the field. The suite is famous. It is routine, as it was during the Cooke era, for broadcasters to run down the list of people sitting in the suite for a game. If they don't know someone on sight, they would send a gopher to check it out. Additionally, the family itself may go to the press. Really, how do you think 90% of the redskins personal human interest stories are sourced? Do you think that the local and national networks go scouring the stadiums for long-lived fans? Honestly, I expected better from you. Especially the pathetic attempt at describing my thinking as "lateral".[/Quote]

I never claimed you possessed lateral thinking, rather I implored you to use lateral thinking to come up with a logical alternative (versus just mindless insults). If you do not know what lateral thinking is, look it up. Although your scenario is possible, I believe it is unlikely unless the person were famous or a public figure. I believe you and ASF have more in common than he and I.

Well, the admission of paranoia and jaded certainly seems to fit the bill

Paranoid - Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others

Jaded - Cynically or pretentiously callous.

As for the other things.... I'm sure you can be a wonderful person. Most people, however, strike a balance between naivete/rose-colored glasses and paranoid/jaded behavior. Simply to say that its ok to be paranoid because this is the real world is pretty silly. It doesnt make your viewpoint valid in any way, shape, or form.

As for the assumptive personality bit, perhaps you assumed assumptive wasn't actually a word?

as·sump·tive Pronunciation Key (-smptv)


1. Characterized by assumption.

2. Taken for granted; assumed.

3. Presumptuous; assuming.[/Quote]

"Assumptive Personality" is not a valid pyschological term (or I am unaware of it). I really don't need the dictionary. I was an english major before I switched to computer science.

No, but perhaps now you're just being delusional[/Quote]

I do enjoy the occassional altered state :high: :pint: , but I am not delusional (at this time) ;).

Good one. No really. Because there's quite a bit of support for that statement. Somewhere. Maybe. No? Ok. Then it was stupid. Alrighty then.[/Quote]

Confused as usual, eh? :)

The ability to reach a higher viewpoint, one based on objective observations rather than this silly voodoo-like soul divination.[/Quote]

There you go, making up your own terminology again. Judging by a previous comment, you obviously have access to a dictionary, you should use it more often to spell check your ideas instead of only when attempting to discredit others.

I for one, hope they do mention it tonight. It'll be a nice little piece. Would it make your viewpoint valid? Nope. Is there any support for it? Nope.[/Quote]

I am probably right. You are probably hedging your bets. If it happens, it happens. If not, it doesn't. To be quite honest, I really don't care very much. If it does happen, it definitely doesn't disprove my theory.

Just relax, enjoy the game, enjoy the 70th anniversary tribute (which I'm sure you think it somehow underhanded and sleazy, obviously intended to put money in Snyder's pockets and nothing else), and have a good time.[/Quote]

Go Skins!

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Your faux-Art performance (Art Mills, that is) is really rather disappointing.

I was wrong about the time frame, however, in relation to my original viewpoint, I'm still not sure what this proves or disproves.

You used an erroneous reference to the timeframe in order to eliminate the possiblity of a MNF appearance. That was incorrect. Disproven, if you like. And it seems you like to be proven incorrect, because you are just littering your posts with things like this.

"Assumptive Personality" is not a valid pyschological term (or I am unaware of it). I really don't need the dictionary. I was an english major before I switched to computer science.

First things first, your choice of major is completely irrelevant. Congratulations for choosing two completely useless ones, by the way.

Assumptive personality is indeed a valid psychological term, so why bother saying that unless you took the time to find that out? It's all too easy to attempt to make statements of fact couched by admissions of possible ignorance in parentheses. You should expect more of yourself. It is related to a branch of psychology that deals with a notion called the assumptive world.

Beyond that, it doesnt even need to be part of psychological jargon to be valid. It's an adjective. I could say you have a sh*tty personality, and although you're not going to find it in the glossary of any psyc textbooks, the usage would be abolutely proper. Of course, you knew that, I'm sure, but were trying to weasel around that. Too bad you're wrong on both counts. Why'd you switch from your english major, BTW?

Confused as usual, eh?

Sarcasm, my logically challenged friend, sarcasm

There you go, making up your own terminology again. Judging by a previous comment, you obviously have access to a dictionary, you should use it more often to spell check your ideas instead of only when attempting to discredit others.

Ok, for a purported sometime english major, this is simply embarrassing. You obviously don't know the difference between spelling or definition, as you've used "spell check" in a completely improper manner. Additionally, we already know that your vocabulary, or lack thereof, does not define the existence of the term. I'm sorry that your educational background has not left you properly equipped for debate, but the intelligent thing to do would be to accept this hole in your knowledge and work with it, instead of denying its existence. As far as the comment that is ostensibly directed to "voodoo-like", I would expect an english major to understand that hyphens are used to link compound adjectives.

I am probably right. You are probably hedging your bets. If it happens, it happens. If not, it doesn't. To be quite honest, I really don't care very much. If it does happen, it definitely doesn't disprove my theory.

This is my favorite quote. I knew you would attempt to assign correctness to the act rather than your actual questioning his motivation, so I made a point of bringing it to light before the game so you couldn't try to claim "victory" over something that is irrelevant to the topic of debate. As you know, the only way to "prove" the source of his motivation is to hear/read what he said on the matter, or to receive third hand information from a trusted source (this not being a court of law).

Keep digging, it's funny.

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OK, gentlemen, this is getting silly.

And since my name is being slung around in this thread, I'll take that as a cry for help. ;)

I think the invitation to Snyder's box suite was a terrifically nice thing to do for a loyal fan. I also think that the publicity value of this did not escape Snyder -- and that he might have mentioned the invite to his PR department to toss in with this week's news and notes provided to the media.

This is how good people run good businesses. Part of being a good business is doing the right thing, and being known for doing the right thing. Doing the right thing is certainly good, and letting people know you are doing the right thing is certainly not evil.

Now shake hands, gentlemen, and let's enjoy the game.


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I call bull$hit. You can't follow a thread very well, won't admit when you are in error, and don't always know what you are talking about. I know you are just trolling, but this has become tiresome.

Can't even back out gracefully, can you? That's ok, some people don't have the character to do so.

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Originally posted by kaffeen

I call bull$hit. You can't follow a thread very well, won't admit when you are in error, and don't always know what you are talking about. I know you are just trolling, but this has become tiresome.

Boy, such an efficient assessment -- and we're not even married!

Thanks for the free checkup.


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Well this post sure escalated.

It'll be a while before I can get a follow-up. I only see my great great uncle once or twice a year.

The other amazing thing about him is that he is blind in one eye and half blind in the other. I doubt he can even see the game, but he's there every week.

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