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Friday Night Lights


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Did anyone watch the episode last night? The team was all upset because they did not think they had a chance with their quarterback and the star runningback said to the media that he did not like what the coach was doing. So what did the coach do? He kicked their asses by making them run up and down a hill in pouring rain until they all realized that in order to be a winning team you all have to beleive in each other and the team philosiphy. This is what the Redskins need because we have too many players complaining about this or that. "I don't get the ball thrown to me" or " I am just sitting here on the bench when they can be running me" or whatever else they have a problem with. In order to win the team all needs to believe what the coaches are saying and drink the funky purple koolaid. They need to go in to each game with open eyes, clear mind, and full hearts to kick ass each week. They need to TRY harder, they need to WORK harder, and they damn sure need to PLAY smarter.


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