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Where Is the Character?


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Gibbs says that since he began coaching the Skins in the early 80’s, the current team has as much “character” as any of the teams he ever coached. The obvious question then becomes, where is it?

Where is the leadership?

Where is the confidence from last year’s playoff run?

Where is the defense?

The Redskins fans have got to be the most loyal considering that since 1991 and drafting H. Shuler the Redskins have been the most underachieving team in the NFL. Almost every year our hopes are raised either by drafting Des. Howard, C. Bailey, L. Arrington, C. Samuels, or acquiring De. Sanders, D. Stubbafield, B. Smith, “big daddy” Wilkinson, Trotter from the Eagles, Armstead from the Giants, even Marvelous Marvin Lewis from Superbowl champs. Don’t forget Superior Coach Spurrier. Yet it seems our hopes are never met, even worse, all those players have either dramatically underachieved, or were traded or released to do better with another team.

So when Gibbs returned and began stressing character instead of big time players with huge salaries, it struck a cord. Moreover, I saw how the team was responding to Gibbs the man, and it was very positive. Last year’s playoff run and beating Tampa Bay was the proof. What happened to my team? Disappointed doesn’t begin to express the frustration I feel this year so far. However, I being one of the loyal fans will still believe in the Skins, and watch every game.

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I'm with you man. You wanna see character...witness the Bears game last night. That is character and a little talent to boot.

Here is a proposal to make our team better. Why doesn't the legendary Mr. Green comeback (not as a player) and work with some of these young corners the way Deion and him coached up Champ to become the talent he is. He is one of the most true Skins of all time and I'm quite surprised he hasn't comeback to offer some pointers and help return us to the glory days.

By the way, everytime I have to watch Champ make another interception, shut down the opposing team's #1, or make a big play to help those darn Broncos win I vomit a little in my mouth. This does not imply that I am in the least way unhappy about the Clinton trade...just that I am bitter to see any former Redskin player thrive for another team, particularly teams in our division.

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Do you want leadership and confidence, or just character? We've got character, no one is complaining about what's going on, and everyone is keeping their mouth shut about how bad the playcalling is (well, Lloyd has hinted at it). Oh, we've got character. We run such a tight ship up here in DC that the players are probably too scared to say anything that might make them stand out...

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They were overconfident in the offseason, mistakenly thinking that winning one playoff game every ten years or so makes you a dominant team. They're loaded with free agent talent and they thought that guarantees victory. So they were sleepwalking through the offseason and laughing it up during preseason games while their new "genius" offensive coordinator was writing his 700 page playbook that none of them read.

They haven't learned that talent gets you nothing. Every single team in this league can beat you if you don't come to fight. The Bears learned that last night. The Skins expected to win just because they were crowned offseason champions for the 10th year in a row.

Now they're losers. Nothing but losers. Do they have the pride, the balls, the heart to get up off the mat? I don't think so. There are no signs of life in this corpse. No one seems pissed off, other than Mike Sellers. If they lose to the Colts, we can all start the draft watch.

I just hope someone is held accountable. Mark Brunell is certainly gone, so it's not enough to hold him accountable. What about Al Saunders? What about Vinny Cerrato? What about Gregg Williams? What about Andre Carter? What about Adam Archuletta? What about Carlos Rogers? What about the offensive line? What about Joe Bugel?

I'll guess they're all untouchable.

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