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not looking forward to NFL today

Murilo Bustamante

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To be honest, I am not really looking forward to watching NFL football today.

We are going to get shafted by the refs while the NFL announcers crow about how great Green Bay's traditions are, etc.

First off, we'd probably get beat anyway since Green Bay has a very good team this year, and we have a suspect OL, a rookie QB, and a new coaching staff. I suspect we have as much talent as they do, but it hasn't gelled yet.

Second, we are going to hear all the typical crowing about how great Green Bay fans are. Whatever. Do they have the record for consecutive sellouts? NO! Do they sell gobs of merchandise in down years? NO! We do! These are facts. The Redskins have the greatest fan traditions, but this somehow gets overlooked by the goons that are running the NFL broadcasts these days.

To triple the frustration, I think this might be the week we really put a good game together, but I'm sure that as soon as we do, the refs will work overtime to undo it, as they have the last two weeks. I can stand losing legitimately to the Pack, but I have a feeling that the refs are going to play a big role today. Lots of holding and pass interference calls on us, and lots of non-calls on them.

Oh well. Hopefully I can listen to Frank Sam and Sonny instead of the national crew, and hopefully we can play well enough to give us hope for the rest of the season and maybe even pull off an upset. An upset right now would be a sweet, sweet thing.

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Damn Murilo, is your glass half empty or what?!

Maybe you should take up knitting (no ... you might stab yourself with the needles.)

Go get drunk and pass out before the games begin. Then, if you wake up and we lost at least you didn't have to hear all the garbage. If we won ... it all good! :)

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yeah, I guess my glass is half empty. We really killed ourselves in the loss to Philly but I feel like we got shafted in the last two losses, and then to hear that moron Maas insulting us all game last time, and knowing the way the NFL treats the Pack, I am pessimistic.

You have a nice suggestion, though. Maybe I'll try it.

I promise to be more positive before the next three games (Indy, Jax, and Seattle). I think we have a real shot of winning those.

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"I've got my 12 pack ready so I can drown the sorrow of a painful blowout in the hands of the Pack. Such is the life of a Skins fan "

That should be: "Such is the life of this particualr skins fan.", Mr. half empty. Please refrain from speaking for the rest of us in the future Fred Smoot DCclone Fan.

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