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YouTube Tanker Videos from 2002


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These are some videos that a SSG in my tank company at Fort Hood made back in 2002.

We thought they were pretty funny at the time. Just found out today that he has them on YouTube, so I thought I'd share it with my ES bretern/sisteren(?).


(This video is of one of our LT's tanks getting stuck in a deep mud hole -- and the resulting Gilligan's Island spoof)

(Just a random video compilation during a train up prior to NTC and heading to Iraq in '03)

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I just glanced at that.... what happened- the driver freak out half way through?? there is no way an M-1 should get stuck there.... also kinda looked like they threw the track though. That must have been a little while before they closed all of those crossing on the west side of post- I can remember a tank crew (might have been a bradley) drowning in the deep water there around that time.

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If I remember correctly, it was a situation where the tank before him took the path to the right, but the driver didn't see it when he came up to the fork in the trail. He took the left. It looked deep, but thought "Hey, if the other guy made it, I should be good..."

One of those holes where one end was 3 foot deep, and the other end was like 7 feet deep. Absolute craziness.

And yes, the mud got ingested into the engine from the left side and we had to replace the whole damn engine as a result. :laugh:

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