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For those of you who hate Peter King AND Al Gore...


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Well we all can't stand Peter King but this is for those of you on the board who are also Republican/conservative and/or just can't stand political preaching showing up in unexpected or unwanted spots.


Peter King has spent the past couple of years painting the Iraq occupation in a fairly positive light through the reports of his military friend Mike McGuire (who King met at a baseball game). Now King makes one positive reference to the Al Gore movie and this "Newsbusters" website is suddenly accusing him of "liberal bias" ?? Huh? How often do the "Newsbusters" read Peter King's column? Do the "Newsbusters" even know the definition of the word "bias" ? If you want to make a case for "liberal bias" on the part of Peter King, go ahead and do so from his body of work. I guess the "Newsbusters" are too lazy or incompetent to do that. One opinion shared with someone who has been labeled a liberal (Al Gore) does not demonstrate "liberal bias" from Peter King. If King really had a "liberal bias," do you think he would have posted all the reports from McGuire??? Give me a break.

I don't know why anyone would pay any attention to these "Newsbusters" idiots. I hate the mentality that they demonstrate through their nonsensical comments on King's mention of Gore's movie - again, making a statement in support of Gore's agenda on global warming does not automatically make Peter King a "liberal" or indicate that he has a "liberal bias." I mean, if Rush Limbaugh likewise tells people to go see Gore's movie, does that mean Limbaugh has a "liberal bias" ?? Attitudes like the "Newsbusters" attitude fuel the partisan rancor that keeps our govt from moving forward. "Conservatives" are reluctant to agree with "liberals" on anything because they don't want to be labeled as "liberal" - and vice versa. "Oh, Joe Lieberman agrees with Bush on something, he's a closet Republican." "Oh, Michael Steele criticizes Bush on Iraq, he's a liberal." I wish we could stop this senseless and worthless right-wing/liberal labeling and consider issues and topics on their merits. If "conservatives" would stop labeling those they disagree with as "liberals," and actually listen to what the "liberals" have to say, the conservatives might find that they agree with the "liberals" on more things - and vice versa.

I agree that Peter King should stick to covering sports, rather than sharing his opinions on other random issues of the day, but he has been doing this type of thing for years so this is an odd time to criticize him for his "political preaching." Either criticize him for it all the time or don't bother criticizing him, fine, but please don't keep quiet about it until he happens to disagree with you, then start accusing him of some sort of bias.

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