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Are you guys kidding me?


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Maybe it's me... maybe I dont understand what is going on here but I think I have a decent idea of what I am reading and hearing. If I'm wrong to assume this philosophy, please enlighten me.

I keep reading all these posts here about signing this FA and that FA. Again, correct me if I am wrong, but if what I am reading is accurate the Redskins will have cut multiple players to get just below the cap. If this is true, how in the world does anyone expect us to sign any FA's?

Please help me understand this better? Am I the only one he sees the situation in this way?


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Maybe it's me... maybe I dont understand what is going on here but I think I have a decent idea of what I am reading and hearing. If I'm wrong to assume this philosophy, please enlighten me.

I keep reading all these posts here about signing this FA and that FA. Again, correct me if I am wrong, but if what I am reading is accurate the Redskins will have cut multiple players to get just below the cap. If this is true, how in the world does anyone expect us to sign any FA's?

Please help me understand this better? Am I the only one he sees the situation in this way?


You need to read more threads and articles

We have been discussing this for weeks. The Redskins have made proper restructures and will be cutting the likes of Matt Bowen, and Cory Raymer

No the Redskins will not be major players in FA, but we are not gutting this team either

It has only been on the board for oh a few weeks

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We don't actually know the real cap situation of the Redskins. Some of our highest paid players have agreed to re-structure their contracts in the event no CBA is reached. Depending on how much we save in the re-structuring we may be able to pursue a FA or 2. All this jazz you keep reading about the Skins cap situation being impossible and the sky is falling is B.S.

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Maybe it's me... maybe I dont understand what is going on here but I think I have a decent idea of what I am reading and hearing. If I'm wrong to assume this philosophy, please enlighten me.

I keep reading all these posts here about signing this FA and that FA. Again, correct me if I am wrong, but if what I am reading is accurate the Redskins will have cut multiple players to get just below the cap. If this is true, how in the world does anyone expect us to sign any FA's?

Please help me understand this better? Am I the only one he sees the situation in this way?


If a deal is done, you should have plenty of room, but it it doesnn't it is anyones guess as to how much cap room you do or do not have.

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We don't actually know the real cap situation of the Redskins. Some of our highest paid players have agreed to re-structure their contracts in the event no CBA is reached. Depending on how much we save in the re-structuring we may be able to pursue a FA or 2. All this jazz you keep reading about the Skins cap situation being impossible and the sky is falling is B.S.

Wait a minute. So what you're saying is don't believe the Pastabelly's or the Pete Prisco's out there in journalism? :silly:

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