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Scout: Snyder holds key to CBA deal

Commander Adama

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Why do I care if Dan Snyder and Paul Allen wake up with $20 million less dollars tomorrow than they have today? I'm not seeing any of it. It's not like the team will be worse if Dan has 1 percent less money.

Get the deal done.

I thought Snyder was all about getting the deal done and compromising?

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Yes but look at how much Synder has increased the value of the franshice since he bought it (despite losing all the time). Synder has done a ton to increase the marketing, profitability and bottom line of the franchise. Don't quote me on but I believe I read somewhere that in endorsements alone, Synder has increased that amount from 6-8 mil when he got the team to 48-50 mil. Don't discount the savvy business decisions and risks that Synder has taken to get the team as valuable as they are today. He's done very well at that (thankfully, he's coming around on the football part to. He was already a great businessman, now he's learning to run a football team).

Do you think Dan would have the same success in Arizona?

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