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Rules I think need to be changed


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Rules I would like to see changed (or have explained better). If I am totally bass ackwards please enlighten me. I know none of this will make a darn bit of difference but I want to know if anyone agrees and what other rules could use some tweaking.

Offsetting penalties = replay down - This ends up penalizing one team. Let’s say team on defense has illegal contact past 5 yards and offensive holding occurs. The play results in a touchdown or a turnover. The penalties cause the play to be replayed. One of the teams gets penalized, either offense losses the TD or defense losses the TO. I think it would be better to say the penalties offset one another so the play stands.

Offensive PI – The team that was on defense should get the ball at the spot of the foul. This may seem excessive but think about PI calls. Defensive PI is a spot foul on the premise that the receiver would have caught the ball at the spot of the foul. It would seem to reason that the same could be said for offensive PI.

The whole “what makes a catch” needs to be simplified. – A catch should be when the receiver gains control of the ball. This whole business of “makes a football move” (whatever that is) is kind of for the birds. If the receiver is going out of bounds all they have to do is get a toe down but in the center of the field they have to “make a football move”. If it is in the center of the field the ground can’t cause a fumble but in the end zone it can create a non-catch. (Just for the record in our playoff game the Tampa player never gained control).

When is a fumble not a fumble? – When it is a forward pass. This may be harder to simplify but the whole tuck rule/hand moving forward thing is screwy. I don’t like the whole idea of the refs having to decide it the QB was trying to throw or tuck. I also don’t like when the QB’s arm moves forward sending the ball 10 yards down field and the refs call it a fumble claiming he started to lose control before the pass. Need some help with this one. Maybe if it passes the line of scrimmage it is an incomplete pass, if not a fumble?

Penalties close to the goal line means half the distance – BS put it on the one. This can cause an unfair situation (it did in the Indy game). One team has the ball 1st and goal on the 6. Defense gets a 15 yard penalty, ball only moves 3 yards to the 3. Offense is off sides (5 yard penalty) ball moves to the 8. Other options may be ALL penalties are halved or keep track of “unused” penalty yardage. (In the example I gave the defense still “owes” 12 yards so the off sides would not move the ball) The “unused” yardage would be wiped out with a score or a turnover (NO BANKING THE YARDS)

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