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Eagles may release Mitchell


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Yep, that's right. Here is the quote:

"Reid is likely to keep only one running back behind the triumvirate of Duce Staley, Dorsey Levens and Brian Westbrook. In order to keep special-teams ace Rod Smart, who played well Friday night, the Eagles would have to release return specialist Brian Mitchell.

That would qualify as a shock, given the way Mitchell performed in the preseason."

Go here for the entire article...


Personally, after all the trash talk, I wouldn't want his big mouth back here. BUT, we could kinda use a solid return man, albeit the blocking was subpar too.

Oh well, just thought its an interesting develpment...

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Originally posted by 56Arrington56

F*CK Mitchell!! I hate that loser!! He's done nothing but disrespect us as fans and this organization as a whole because he hates Snyder. I hope he does get cut. He's a PUNK!!


damn, 56Arrington56, tell us what you really think.


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I live in the Philly burbs and listen to his radio show once in a while. Mitchell is a low class ungrateful piece of $hit he never misses a chance to bad mouth Skins (the only team that ever got him to a Super Bowl). Next year Reid will cut him, then the Eagles will be his demon

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Back in 6th grade, I once made the "honor roll" in my school. Then, much to my humiliation, the teacher announced to the class that "upon further review", I did not deserve to make the honor roll. This was especially funny because, had I never made the honor roll, there would never have been this public humiliation.

I think it's time to roll out the old "upon further review" spot for Brian Mitchell. Snyder can announce a new "70th best Redskin" to replace Mitchell. And Mitchell will get the public humiliation he so richly deserves, especially after his reaction to his own selection to the list.

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i was so mad when the redskins let mitchell go in the first place....i thought he was one of those guys that would always be remembered as a legendary redskins player. and he's one of those guys i thought i would follow wherever he went.

but, because of him shooting off his mouth and dissing the redskins, i have lost a ton of respect for him. i hope that "the daniel" is not goofy enough to pick him back up again. would he be an asset? ABSOLUTELY. but we are taught in life to never burn bridges, and as far as i'm concerned, there's not even any steel left on the ground from this bridge.

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Thin Line Between Love and Hate 101:

1. B'Mitch always thought he'd go out as a Skins playa'

2. B'Mitch gave his soul on the field

3. He even saluted the chance to play emergency QB, a lot of players would have shrunk at: After all, it's only Lawrence Taylor and Carl Banks blitzing on every down.

4. He amassed the highest combined yardage and td ratio of any current player and tied with Jim Brown.

He was rooted out by Deion Sanders, who salivated over B'Mitch's job while smearing him and the Skins, collecting from Dan Snyder and then laughing with Emmitt Smith, who's doing his best imitation of being humble, because he knows full well, like B'Mitch's yards compared to Brown, Smith's compared to Payton will never be the same thing.

I don't want an apology from B'Mitch, just stay away man. You did yo' piece for the team when it counted and that says it all.

A new breed caused your depature, be glad you didn't do it.

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No way Mitchell comes back. He wouldn't comeback because of his huge ego, and the Skins would never take him back after they way he dissed them. I agree w/ Jaydean though. He was one of my favorite Skins and I was extremely effin pissed when we cut him to make room for Peon. He always came up with big plays when we needed him, and he was so fired up all of the time. I also lost a lot of respect for Mitchell after his many negative comments about the Skins, but I can understand why he was pissed. Too bad he didn't show some class during that whole thing.

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As an eagles fan allow me to say that Mitchell isn't going anywhere(this season). We have a plethera of options at the returner positions;however, there is no veteran there. Lito will probably factor in big next year as well as westbrook but not this season. So bury this thread because it aint holding any water!!!

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For the record, Mitchell was cut because two players, not one, replaced him. Yes, Deion replaced him as PR (notably, he didn't replace him at KR). However, he was also replaced as a 3rd down back by Larry Centers who is one of the best pass-catchers out of the backfield of all time.

What is often overlooked is that, this side of Joe Washington, Mitchell was the best third down back we've had here in the last 25 years. I believe his career yards per carry (mostly on draw plays) is close to 5 yards, and he's always was excellent as a receiver. If Mitchell had been able to block and play FB, we would have had no need to sign Centers.

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Let's also remember that Bmitch was having a down year or two and every indication was he was on the downside of his career. In addition, the Redskins cut him with plenty of time to pick up with another team, they didn't make life difficult for him. Last, the NFL is a freakin business and he has been quoted many a time as saying as much when other players get cut. Now all of a sudden he gets the axe and he whines like a 3RD GRADE SCHOOLGIRL. WTF happened to this being a business and that's just how it works in the NFL? The guy is a hypocritical, childish punk. Eff him and the horse he rode in on.

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In my mind, BMitch will always be one of my favorite Redskins. I liek Snyder, but I can totally understand why BMitch is ticked.

BMitch left it all on the field, every game. When we had Norv coaching, Norv's latest victim kicking, the refs paid off by the 'Girlz and the Midgets, and no chance at the playoffs, BMitch went out there and gave everything he had and salvaged some dignity for the Redskins.

If we could have *snapped* the ball in 1999, BMitch would have gotten Norv Turner to the NFC Championship, with that turnaround TD return against the Bucs.

You can't just forget 10 years of hard play like that because of his understandable bitterness at being released.

BMitch obviously throws everything he has into the team he plays for. When he played for us, he was a Redskin through and through. He played and practiced hard and left it all on the field. he loved the fans and was active in the community.

Now he does the same for Philly. Face facts, you don't accept awards from a rival frnachise when you are still playing. BMitch is a throwback. We should have kept him. He is definitely one of the all time great Redskins.

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I have nothing against Mitchell. 10 years of bleeding Burgundy and Gold is not an easy thing for me to simply forget about. It is a shame Mitchell took things so personally. He has really been an @ss about the Redskins since his release, and for that reason I doubt he would ever come back here. He wouldn't do it. Snyder wouldn't allow it.

He'll probably retire an Eagle, and that's too bad.

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